5 days down

Oct 27, 2008

So far so good! I walked and walked in that hospital and was recognized as a star pupil, so i got to go home without the drain! YEAH! A little sore, but nothing that won't get better as the days go on.
One thing that's helped is sleeping propped up. Even the slight incline makes a difference!
Another point to note. Walking is the LAST thing you feel like doing. HOWEVER, I can honestly say that the more you do it, the better you feel!!
I so much appreciate Dr. Gluck's regimented program. I've listened and done everything I'm supposed to and guess what? I'm so far having an UNEVENTFUL recovery!
So, for those of you thinking of pushing the limits--DON"T DO IT! Remember how dangerous that is and what it took for you to get here!

It's here!

Oct 21, 2008

This is it! Today is the day! In exactly 3 hours I walk into the hospital and radically change my life, forever!
I'm too antsy to sleep, though I am tired. My brain won't stop.
I've been nesting at home for 2 days. Too much nervous energy, I guess.

I'll check in when I can.


Fasting Begins

Oct 08, 2008

I'm supposed to start my liquid fast on 10/8/08, but since this is moving so fast for me and I didn't have the wait I thought i would before getting a date, I didn't lose what I wanted to lose before hand. So, I'm goind to start my fast on 10/4/08. Despite great temptations to do otherwise, I'm going to resist weighing in but once per week. Wish me luck!!


Sep 29, 2008


The first day of the rest of my life!

Someone cancelled and I just happened to call and check with the scheduler right after! Coincidence?  I think NOT! Thank you, Jesus!

Amen, Amen---

Be Anxious for Nothing!

Sep 23, 2008

I know from calling the dr.s office that I've made it past the dr.'s review and I'm just waiting to hear from the surgery scheduler about  a date! GHEEZ! It's like pins and needles. I'm not good with this waiting...constantly praying it away!! I was hoping to get an October date, we'll see!!!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Phil 4:6-7


My journey thus far....

Sep 14, 2008

My WLS journey has been 10 years in the making. A combination of waiting on different insurance companies to catch up with reality and the ever-sharpening refinement of God's timing have brought me to this point.

I have a feeling it's only going to get speedier from here, so here's how the journey's gone so far:

8/5/08; Psych Evaluation completed

8/16/08; Received an email from the psychologist containing her report (I had asked for a copy to be sent to me). Interesting, to say the least. All-in-all, she approved me.

8/19/08; Called the surgeon's authorization's coordinator (Tristan) to see where they were at with my process. She stated they were waiting for my Psych. Eval. then it would go to insurance. Apparently, she had a big stack just come back and hadn't gone thru them yet.

8/26/08; My weekly check in call to Tristan! She will be sending everything to insurance today!

9/9/08; I received a letter in the mail from Dr. Gluck's office congratulating me. The next step will be for me to pay my co-pay and schedule my pre-op visit. Hoping to do that next week!

9/10/08; Received authorization in the mail from Blue Care Network. Overall, I must say this was fast!



The Most Beautiful People I Know

Sep 14, 2008

The Most Beautiful People I Know
are those who have known defeat;
known suffering,
known struggle,
known loss,
and have found their way out of their depths.
These people have an appreciation, a sensivity
and an understanding of life that fills them
with compassion and a deep loving concern.
Beautiful people do not just happen.

The Quest for Yellow Terry Cloth Shorts

Sep 14, 2008

I met my husband the summer of 1982 on a summer vacation visiting a friend who had moved out of state. My friend had introduced me to this 15 year old apparent "punk" with long hair, a leather jacket and motorcycle boots who seemed to have a chain-smoking problem. He and I ended up separating ourselves from the others and talked for what seemed like hours (maybe it was) while pretending to smoke 2 packs of Marlboro Menthol cigarrettes (YUK!)emoticon .
Almost immediately, I knew there was something about this "boy" that was different. His exterior did not match up with the young man I was getting to know. He wasn't a punk! My guess was he projected that to keep people at a safe distance. Well, some people anyway! I was blown away! emoticon
It wasn't until 2 decades later that I found out what an impact my wardrobe choices that week had on him! Apparently, I had brought with me this pair of yellow terry cloth shorts and wore them while bike riding around my friends neighborhood. emoticon Also apparently, SOMEONE was watching me and was quite "smitten" with my yellow terry cloth shorts! Good thing I married him 11 years later:)
I was a much smaller girl when we met at 15 than I am today. In more than one way, I'm twice the woman I used to be. My boyfriend, fiance and then husband has loved me through every diet and every pound lost and regained 10-fold. As I recommit myself to this new journey of rediscovering my authentic self,emoticon I do so with a vivid image of reclaiming those yellow terry cloth shorts. I will find a pair. When I have become "half-assed" and have reached my goal weight, I will wear them again for him. I will wear them again for me. I guess I have some shopping to do!

About Me
Muskegon, MI
Surgery Date
Jun 09, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 8
5 days down
It's here!
Fasting Begins
Be Anxious for Nothing!
My journey thus far....
The Most Beautiful People I Know
The Quest for Yellow Terry Cloth Shorts
