Hello!  I had struggled with being overweight since I was 10 years old and I remember my mother bringing me to the doctor to talk about my lack of activity and weight.  I went on diet after diet fasting and fad diets you name it and I would lose a little weight, but never anything significant or that stayed off.  In 2007 I decided to finally take control and make a change and had RNY gastric bypass surgery at the time I was living in Minnesota.

I lost about 145 pounds in about 15 months through my new diet and exercise, which I had found I really enjoyed yoga.  Then about 6 months later I started to slip allowing myself to indulge in foods that were not healthy for me and slacking on the exercise the weight slowly started to creep back on.  Then my bipolar kicked into full swing and the depressive episodes hit hard making it next to impossible to be active and food to be my refuge which lead to a more significant jump in my weight.  I moved to Florida and started seeing a new psychiatrist who decided that the best thing for me was to keep me drugged up on medications many of which have a known side effect of weight gain and lethargy so not only was I in a major depressive episode, but the medications made me a zombie!  By the end of 2011 I had gained back almost all of the weight I had lost.

It wasn't until 2013 that my boyfriend decided that enough was enough and we had to make a change so he helped me develop a diet and exercise plan similar to the one I had following my surgery to help me lose the weight again and it worked!  I have lost 150 pounds and am in better shape than I was the last time I lost all the weight because of my intense workout routine.  I am now looking into plastic surgery as the extra skin disgusts both me and I want to be able to show off the body I have worked so hard to create.  

About Me
Orange Park, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
Member Since

Friends 4
