Detour Bar

"Wonderful product for people who need that extra protein-it has 31 grams of protein per bar and it is the only protein bar that I can stomach. Tastes just like a snickers bar!"

C.E. Pasupathy

"I liked Dr. Pasupathy right away. He has a very straight-forward matter, tells you the pros as well as the cons and tells you exactly what he will be doing. When I arrived the first thing I received was a booklet on gastric bypass describing anything I might want to know about the surgery. His office staff seemed very nice. I also met a woman in the waiting room who introduced herself and told me she had the surgery, lost alot of weight and felt great. She praised both Dr. Pasupathy and his office staff and she traveled all the way from Pennsylvania to see him. Dr. Pasupathy talks with a thick accent, but I was able to understand him easily. He encouraged questions and answered all of them thoroughly. He also made me aware of a support group run through his office for people who had the surgery. He put my mother's mind at ease, for she has been very sceptical about me having the surgery. She liked him alot and has been much more supportive of my decision since our office visit."
About Me
Vineland, NJ
Surgery Date
May 20, 2002
Member Since
