update and a good one you shold read

Aug 11, 2008

ok so to start off hey all its been awhile. I am 150 lbs down and feeling great. I still see a fat girl but that takes time. so I thought I would be open and honest to you all. I just got out of rehab I was highly addicted to narcotic pain killers, I couldnt get enough and I needed help. So I did it and I am feeling great I been clean now for 2 weeks, I wont say I havent had cravings I have had alot of crap happen to me over the last 2 weeks. I dont know god or nothen but someones testing me big time. ok so anyway yes I got help then they put me on a bunch of phyc meds and I kicked all that to MIND OVER MATTER and I got a stong mind so I can do it. durning all this I had to deal with a very close friend and one of us who got addict to drinking and he got in a very bad wreck and killed someone drunk. so now his life is out of his own hadnds, its sad to see but I know there are others like us out there that know all it takes is a little now and we feel good then we start doing it  all the time and then BOOM your addiction transfere has hit. so i hope this gets to my friends thats the update on me right now I will be trying my harest to make it to this months meeting i really think there needs to be more info about addiction transfere cause it does happen to the best of us. love ya all

six months out

Dec 14, 2007

Wow I cant belive how fast time has flown by. And yes I will be changing my pic soon, we go to our x-mas party tommorow night and I got a hot little black number I will be wearing, I cant belive I have lost 100lbs in 6 months, my bmi is actually like a real persons now I actually feel kinda like a normal person to, I am still kinda having a hard time seeing the smaller me cause I have been big for so long all I see is the big girl still but I am working on it. I have weird little things like I go to cough and grab my tummy and all of a sudden I am like wow theres not a big ole belly there. Its a nice feeling, and being able to rake the yard and play basketball with the kids walk as far as I need to and be able to jump a fence or get up on the bars its amazing, i am really glad I did have this surgery, I am still on the previcid and carfate for the ulcer that is said I have but if I am not on the meds my pouch feels like a empty kinda pain its weird and hard to explain but oh well I thought Id update. Hope you all have a very merry christmas.

A big wow at 5 months out

Nov 25, 2007

ok so I been needing to ge me some clothes cause everything is just getting big everywhere. i have lost 91 lbs so far and I went to go clothes shopping and check it out i cant shop in the plus size no more it was all to big, I couldnt belive it, Yesterday i bought me and the girls jamies and i just grabbed me a xl thinking ok this should be fine nope i coulda got a large and been comfy maybe a medium in a month or so, lol but my hubby says i cant buy nothen unless i try it on now. so tonight we ran up to walmart and i was looking around and oh yeah baby i am shopping in the girls area and wearing and fitting nicely in to 14/15 i cant belive it, i am so happy and proud, i did find myself finding low fat foods like treats cause i am missing that while everyone else is eating pies and fudge and everything i miss so i am doing good with surgar free and low fat stuff, i got a no sugar no fat fudge i am going to make tommorow i am just finding that you have to be smart and creative to survive this.

wow my bmi is gettin low and i love it

Oct 16, 2007

I am watching the ticker on my weight go lower and lower I love it, so we are goin to santa cruz and i will fit on all the rides I have hit a goal 75lbs off this girl forever. they are treating me for a bleeding ulcer which would show why I been in so much pain, but i am gettin better, i still dont eat much i cant keep alot down, but I am starting to finally be happy with results I am seeing. so just wanted to update my ticker and look at it, hehehe i was bmi 51 now i am 37 wow thats a good one. Oh and I want to say thanxs to all my OH friends I love you all and love the support you all give me even when I am down.

trip cancelled

Oct 12, 2007

well I aint gotta worry about fitting on rides next weekend we are cancelling the trip due tto my 11 year old. she is putting us thur hell and I cant take it anymore, I dont know if its this surgery or stress thats causeing me to be sick constanly or what. I am kinda worried cause I either dump all the time or throw it up or I get woke up in the middle of the night to stabbing pains. i am kinda regreting this that I did to myself for my health. I felt beter yes fatter but better just on alot of pills back in june, now i am lighter colder smaller sicker and madder what the hell is this life even for, I feel like crawling in a hole and hidin till i get all better if i ever do. but thanxs to all my new friends and the support you all give I do take your advice sometimes.

12 weeks out

Sep 21, 2007

WOW can you belive its already been 12 weeks, I cant . Life is so different now, I am still finding myself to eat shit food every now and then, Like pizza, i like pizza. I call that crap food. Anyway I am 65 lbs down and in october we are going to go to beach board walk for the weekend. I am going to attempt to go on rides, Thats been my big goal was to fit on rides again, and I think I will this time, I am scared I dont want the embarrasment of having to walk back down the line cause i couldnt fit, but I have one more month to work my butt off, I am at another platue right now, I dont own a scale cause thats dumb but I think i will head into town today and jump on moms just to check, I have went from a 26/28 down to a 18 i got one pair of 16 that i can fit to, i think it all depends on the clothes, but I haven't been able to buy that size in prolly 11 years, WOW  I know, other that that I am still working on getting in all water and protein and food, I have good days and I have bad, I hear it takes 6 months before you know what you can and cant have so hopefuuly by then i get this all down. To anyone looking to have this surgery all i got to say is theres alot to it, It not just a quick stomach staple and life goes on. Nope its not like that at all, theres alot involved, but I am glad I did it.

almost 8 weeks now

Aug 23, 2007

hey everyone just a quick note I am almost 8 weeks out and 51lbs down, I feel good I got a little deppression going on but ill get that delt with so no worries about me. my clothes are all getting big I have went from a 28 to a 22 which is awsome I love it i got a long way to go but I'll do it, I cant wait for bathing suit shopping next summer oh that will be fun. I am haveing a hard time being creative with eating but ill figure that out to, time it just takes time.

2 weeks and 4 days out( and moody)

Jul 18, 2007

Well ta da I made it, I am over two weeks out and and doing a whole lot better. I have days where I feel like I have lost a friend but I know thats the choice I made to be a happier healthier person. I am down 32 lbs and starting to feel it. My panties are all getting to baggy which is a good feeling its funny looking but good feeling. I have had people notice weight loss on me and that a good feeling to. It's hard for me cause I look and still see a cow and then you have people say your looking so good and I am like ok whatever, tell me that when I am at 150lbs hehehehe which I am hoping for by christmas. i got lots of work to do cause I got a really nice work out machine in the garage but I cant get to, so thats my big chore gotta clean the garage. By the end of August.......................ill keep ya updated.

wow a week out

Jul 07, 2007

ok so I am a week out and have had people tell me I am melting like a candle, no I dont see it but hey you are never your best judge, My mouth always taste like crap which is gettin old I went and bought a butt load of gum, I hope this goes away, I am doing pretty good, now that I am not sick anymore. I just cant wait to go get on a scale to see any loss, they say watch you clothes well if my left side didnt hurt so bad I would get dressed but its so hot I rather stay inside in my night gown and the a/c, I rented 10 movies and have only watched one, my mother n law has been here to help the whole time so thats been great she is leaving monday and I am a tad scared to be alone, but hey you got to remember this is my first sugery ever and wow it was hard I wouldnt say I would do it again right now but hey ask me that in a month. k uncomfy ill write more later.

its Monday the 25th

Jun 25, 2007

oh my gosh today is Monday my surgery is this Friday I cant belive it wow, yes I am having 2nd 3rd and 4th thoughts about all this but I am strong and I want this new life. This liquid diet crap sucks I know that I cant wait till I get to have 2oz of cottage cheese, or a tad bit of chicken or a tad bit of something. The jello and the pudding works I mean it is a more solid type of food and I love the sugar free pudding. My husband has been awsome support. Everyone is proud of me. I am having to try to stay busy so i aint hungry, and I been walking or riding my bike every night, My mother n law is comming to stay for a week to help me with the kids which is super nice but now I am stressed out over cleaning the house and shampooing the rug so I got to get that done. I have been in a lot of pain in the morning for some reason i dont know if it from adding exercising into my life or what but dang my back and hips feel broken. I cant wait to drop 40 -60 lbs I will feel so much better.So ok well I got stuff to do hope to see you all at support group wed.

About Me
vina, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 13
update and a good one you shold read
six months out
A big wow at 5 months out
wow my bmi is gettin low and i love it
trip cancelled
12 weeks out
almost 8 weeks now
2 weeks and 4 days out( and moody)
wow a week out
its Monday the 25th
