Today is a NEW start

Oct 23, 2010

Today as I awake, I am thinking about where I was 2 years ago. It is hard sometimes to remember back to the days of saddness and dispair. I was a very unhappy person due to my weight. Today, I am thankful for the loss of alot of my weight. It is tough, I often here people tell me that "I took the easy way out". There is nothing easy about this journey. Just as 2 years ago, there are good days and there are not so good days, but through it all, I am better today than I was yesterday.

I am happy to have gotten into see a new doctor, one who is experienced and knowledgeable regarding band adjustments. My adventure with the doctors in Harrisburg, PA was a nightmare. I gained 9 pounds from August to October, and only learned that my band had not been adjusted properly (having to drive 2 hours to another state). What a set back this could have been. I choose not to let it get me down. I am happy today!

I will be praying for the doctor in Harrisburg.

Have a blessed Sunday.


About Me
Carlisle, PA
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2010
Member Since

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