Optifast - Liquid Diet UGH!!!!

Jul 29, 2009

So no more food ugh!!! I had to start my optifast liquid diet so that means protien shakes and clear liquids now and until surgery...that is a long friggin time for someone to not eat!!! I am on day 2 and I have a splitting headache and my stomach feels like its on fire...My Surgery is scheduled 8/11... oh man I hope I can do this...If i didnt have the pains I think I would be alright but the headache that is the worst...


Jul 29, 2009

So I got the approval for my WLS. I have to tell you since the day paperwork was submitted to Ins and until I got the official answer was very stressful and I think my nerves got the best of me! I didn't want to do anything during that time but sleep...But now I have a date set of August 11Th which is amazing in itself b/c this is a date that is special it celebrates my husband and I's dating anniversary of 8 years now!!!And will also celebrate a new life for me so I thought that was kinda cool... My mother is also scheduled for her RNY on 8/11 as well she is just waiting to get her approval from an appeal that was submitted and is on "rush order" her and I are a team and it feels like I am leaving a team mate behind. I have a good feeling though it will all work in our favor. I have to say Aetna was very good about everything I was given a case manager and was able to contact her every time I needed to. Big Up's to the Aetna team LOL!!!I guess this journey is all about the waiting game and is not a for sure thing until you are on the operating table and its being performed. I had to go this week and get a EKG,chest x-ray, and some blood work requested by my surgeon along with another clearance from my PCP so I am hoping all will go well and tests come back so nothing delays this date. I also have start my Optifast diet and I am so not looking forward to that.

What a shocker!!!

Jul 11, 2009

 OMG so I woke up early this morning and something told me to check my email and I did and I rec'd an email from my bariatric coordinater stating that all my paperwork is ready to submit to Aetna for auth.for WLS omg I am so excited like finally I have made it this far it seems like an accomplishment in itself!!!! It was def. hard work to get to this point. I am soooo excited in one hand but in the other I dont want to get my hopes to high as I have the worst luck when it comes to things going my way..... They said they would contact me once they got the authorization to schedule pre- op stuff and a surgery date!!!! I have so many things going through my head I think I need to gather my thoughts and post when I can think straight LOL...

End of June update!!!

Jun 30, 2009

So i thought i would update you where i am in this journey to weight loss surgery. i completed my psych evaluation and was approved...yay!!! i just prayed for me to get through that and i did with flying colors. so happy that is over. July will be the last month of my 3 month regimen of seeing the dietitian and PCP and will get those final letters and final clearance letter and hopefully my paperwork will get submitted by mid July to ins for approval. at this point i am feeling a little better knowing i may be a closer to surgery than i was months ago. this is not a fast process but defiantly well worth the wait so i hear. I also attended the last support meeting req'd by ins but i have come to really enjoy going and my husband does to i think. he voluntarily ask to go again this month so i think i may take him up on his offer. its not everyday that he would offer to go like that lol... and being as though we have to travel to my surgeons offices i am just glad my husband is very supportive in all of this i know i am very blessed!! i will keep you updated and will post once i know more. take care and good luck to all!!!

June 3, 2009 update

Jun 03, 2009

May 27, 2009 Support Group Meeting

Well here I am updating another step through my journey...I have completed one of two classes required by my insurance company (aetna) for wls approval. I will attend another class end of June. I am getting closer to getting all my documents req'd by ins company. The following list is what i still need before my surgeons office will submit for approval.

- psych evaluation
- 2 more months of registered dietician classes
- 2 more months of office visits with PCP to get clearance letter
- 1 more support group meeting classes
- blood work

unless there is something I am not aware of this is all i have left...yoohoo... I am hoping to get surgery by the end of August!!!! please keep me in your prayers.... I wil update you with anything new that comes along...


May 10, 2009 Mother's Day!

May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I feel like it's been awhile so I thought I would update where I am with this journey. After I was givn my criteria of things I had to complete from my baratric coordinater at the surgeons office I started gathering all documents. Because I have to complete a 3 month multidis. with a registered dietician I have 2 months to go. I still need a clearance letter and a pschy evaluation then I think I will have all that is req'd by Aetna. I hate that this has to take so long.

April 28, 2009 - Met the surgeon

Apr 28, 2009

 So as I promised I would update you on my appointments. I have to say I was so nervous about going but excited at the same time. The orientation was easy they basically just had a few of us in a room going over everything what to expect all that good stuff so that was super easy. I have done alot of research already so to me it was just going over what I already knew but that is good. I have to say I wasnt so pleased with Dr. Rehnke's staff I felt as though I was just a number to them there wasn't a warm inviting feeling to his office staff and that really bothers me. So I left that afternoon and said to myself maybe it was me and I will go back to meet the Surgeon a couple of days later. I had my next appointment and again I got this cold feeling like I was just next in line. I am really having second thoughts about switiching surgeons just for that reason alone. I want to go to his office and know that I am a patient they care about.  I met with Dr. Rehnke and it was ok I wasnt sure what to expect from him but he basically went over what we went through during his orentation class. He asked if I had any questions and by the time I was over talked and pushed through the line I really didnt have much to say.
I dont expect to have their full attention I know they have many more patients they have / are dealing with I get that but I dont want to me treated like a number either. This is my life and I have children I love and I want to know I will be under the best care there is. This is really bothering me and I dont know what to think??? Maybe I am over analizing this but I have to sit on this. I rec'd an email after my appointments from the baratric cordinater providing me with a criteria from the Ins company and I will be commincating with her and if I am still struggling with these feelings I will make a change.

1 comment

April 11, 2009 waiting

Apr 11, 2009

So here we are mid April and I am so ready to meet my surgeon get my to do list.... I am actually getting anxious... ready to start this journey... I dont have an appointment until the 22nd for orientation and the 27th for consulation...seems like my thoughts are so up and down.... not knowing what is going to happen... in my heart of hearts this is something I want and need so badly but I have my down moments... I guess I am supposed to sit patiently as this is a slow process... the problem is I am not very good at sitting back and letting it ride...well I will be checking back in after these appointments...Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter...

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Mar 31, 2009
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