
Mar 26, 2009

Well I finally made the call....I have my first consult with a Plastic Surgeon
I found out about 3 days before my incident at work that I still have medicare coverage
and than a few days ago I was overheard talking about wanting some PS and how no Dr around here did the type I need or take medicare and a listener piped up and told me about a Dr in Springfield who is taking medicare and does the pannilectomy banana.gif
so I gave the office a call and yes all that info was true and I have an appointment for April first...
at first it wasnt going to happen...the receptionest asked me how much I weigh...I told her around 210 give or take...she said oh well he may want you to loose more before he sees you
Im like hun...I weighed over 500lbs for almost 3 yrs IVE GOT SKIN! I carried over 300 for all of my adult life...IVE GOT SKIN!!!
also..I have been basicly this same weight for about 6 months and with my hernia I am unable to do the kind of excersizes needed for more weight loss and because of the skin weighing me down in front my back protests daily
so its my hope that all of the back issues I have will be enough for at least my lower half to be done...whatever that means...thigh lift,pannilectomy,butt lift.
keeping my fingers crossed.

the next step is to take photos....I have some taken before I had my surgery in my bathing suit and it is not pretty...as it isnt pretty now...LOL but the fact is...skin stretches and although I KNEW it was going to be a fact of my WLS you never KNOW until you actually know. yanno??? biggrin.gif
so even though I HATE...HATE... the mere hint of more surgery I am willing and wanting to do it at least this one last time to be healthier.
I hide it well in my clothes but its there and Im now ready to take the next step...at least find out what needs to be done and IF medicare will pay for it.
today I am wearing my size 16 jeans bought from the Mall....makes me wonder what size I will wear after PS....intriguing naughty.gif
nutti bye1.gif


nutti's minis
all things nutti
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Apr 09, 2007
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