Surgery Time.... no turning back now!

Nov 21, 2011


The time is finally here. I cannot believe what is about to happen. At 2am I will be leaving in order to get to the hospital by 5am. I thought that I had prepared for every possible situation beforehand but now everything seems to be out of order.
I misplaced my wallet and went into a full panic mode. Other than my slight anxiety about home and my children, I am still ready to move forward.

(11/14/11) Day of surgery
When I arrived, they had me to sit in the waiting room until someone called me back for questioning. It was basically a recap of health questions. I talked with the other patients and had some laughs until we were slowly taken away one by one. I was sort of upset about how long it took for the procedure to begin. At 7:45am, my named was called and the time was finally there.

Measurements before surgery

CHEST      59
WAIST      60
HIPS          58
THIGHS     53.5
R THIGH    35
L CALF      19.5
R CALF      22
L ARM        18
R ARM       19

WEIGHT:   404.6



Halloween....candy, candy and more candy!

Nov 21, 2011

Sorry, for some reason, I cannot post from my iPad so I have to type in one place and transfer later.

Halloween! The time of year for fun and laughter; weird and scary costumes; and the best of all...... Candy!! I wanted it to be avoided altogether with tomorrow being the start of my 14 day liquid pre-op diet but as a mother, I chose the harder of the two decisions. Between the five children, I think they accumulated about 30 lbs of candy in about a two hour time frame.

I wasn't for sure how I would be towards temptation but in all honesty, my stomach cringed at the thought of me eating even one piece for old times sake. The kids limited to five pieces each and the rest of the stash is just that---stashed.

Looking forward to the doctors appointment tomorrow. They called and pre-registered me today and then right after the anesteleologist called and completed her questionnaire as well as gave me insight on the process of being put to sleep. She said there will be three IVs and a breathing tube possibly. No panic here. I believe that I am in good hands.

Moment of Truth

Oct 30, 2011

It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.

It's learning the skills to get back in your range.

... It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.

You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."

It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.

You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.

To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,

if you summon the will to get back in the race.

But, often the struggler's, when loosing their grip,

Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.

And learn too late when the damage is done,

that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.

Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,

but facing each challenge will help you grow.

Success is failure turned inside out,

the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.

When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,

If you bite it, you write it....But don't you quit!
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Surgery Date Changed

Oct 30, 2011

I have not been on in a couple of weeks. Sorry about that! My last update told of my doctors visit and scheduled surgery. I have always told myself to never get excited about what isn't already set in stone. This way, I may be able to avoid many of lifes disappointments. Anyways, before I made it home, I had recieved a call from Centennial. The nurse left a message stating that they had to reschedule my surgery date bc my surgeon's assistant would be out.
  (BUMMER!!!!! )

The new date is now November 14, 2011. That is only seven days later but after all of the waiting and years of being overweight, I am like the money commercial....
I promise to get my measurements and updated weight posted after my pre-op appointement on Tuesday. I guess from here on, the blog is going to become more relevant to others.

Look Out World & Stay Tuned

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Office Visit

Oct 13, 2011

Today, I made the two hour trip to Nashville, TN to see Dr. Olson. The visit went as planned. When I got the news that I was ready to schedule the surgery date, I almost cried. Being overwhelmed with emotions, I could not stop smiling. I asked for the firstavailable date... which is November 7th. That kind of disappointed me, but I have been big my whole life so what will three more weeks hurt?

My b/p was elevated more than normal. I think it was due to my nerves. I will try and post all of my measurements tomorrow or Saturday. Hopefully, I can be as detailed as possible.

Until next time, God bless!

Here goes nothing....

Oct 12, 2011

Well, tomorrow starts the first day of a new chapter in my life. After batteling with my insurance company for over a year to gain approval, the time is finally here. On August 6th, I had an appeal hearing a won. The surgeon was given ninety days from that date to complete the procedure.  
So far, I have not yet gotten to the excited stage because I have been so use to disappointments throughout my life. Hopefully, if everything goes okay, this will be my last hurdle and I will get my surgery date this time.
I am going to try and keep a detailed record from this point on. One that will show my pain, my progress, and my overall triumph! Stay tuned as I battle obesity, one pound at a time.

About Me
Paris, TN
Sep 30, 2011
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