Almost 3 months Post op

Apr 26, 2008

I am so amazed at the way I feel. I am losing weight and feeling great. Everyone notices how great I look and the beast part of all of this is that my husband and I did it together. I had my suregery 2/11/08 and he had his 3/3/08. We are 3 weeks apart and he is definatly beating me in the weight loss. But I feel so great that nothing could bring me down. I am walking a couple times a week. On friday nights I go swimming for 2 hrs. I look and feel better than I have in 3 yrs. I am so thankful for this surgery it has saved my life and made me happy and care for myself again.

About Me
Bristol, CT
Jan 31, 2008
Member Since

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Latest Blog 1
Almost 3 months Post op
