Hi, I am very excited about having my surgery! It has been a really long wait. My insurance is making me wait 6 months. I did not like this at first, but now that it is behind me I know it has been good for me to start working on the "head hunger" and work on how I am going to handle it when the hunger comes back after surgery.

I have met with Dr. Hong. Very nice man. I wanted to go with Dr. Peterson, but I could not get into see her until the end of Oct. So I deceided to go with Dr. Hong. I got right in to see him. A week after meeting with him I had a scope put down my throat. I was really afraid. He made me feel really calm. I think he even gave me a little more "calming med." :) because I did not remember much of the rest of that day! I guess I told my son, who drove me home, that I saw two clocks and two of him. I remember saying this once. He said I said it 3 times. I guess I also told him how much my teacher friends think he is such a nice guy and cute too! I also told him that I was glad he was drivng me home. That I trusted his drving, but that I did not trust his brothers or dads driving! I don't remember any of this!! :) I am waiting for a call back saying that my insurance has approved the surgery and at that time they will set the date! Dr. Hong thought that I would have my surgery sometime the first or 2nd week in Nov. I'm just waiting now. It will be a week tomorrow since I had the scope. So I should hear any day from his office.

Well, I had not heard anything so I called my insurance. I was told that the Dr. would look at my stuff the next day--And that the Dr. had down the 3rd of Nov. as my date. This was Friday. On Monday I was approved! I was so excited. When I called Dr. Hong's office I talked to Cammy. We have went through this together the past 7 months. She was so excited for me! When I told her I could not believe the date was going to be in 11 days, she told me that she put that date down and did not know if Dr. Hong had time that day to do it! I was soooooooo disappointed. The past weekend I had arranged my subs (I'm a teacher) and had most of my lesson plans done. I had also prepared my class of my absence. Then Cammy talked to Dr. Hong and he said he would do a day earlier--now 10 days!. On Monday I called in and talked to the schedular-wanting to know what I could drink suring the 4 days liquid diet. She told me she did not have me scheduled!!! I have to say I freaked a little--I have waited now 7 months and she wanted me to wait another 10 days! She asked me if I had done the pre-op class. I said that I tried but that the Obesity Clinic said I had to wait until I was closer to my surgery. Well, after much fussing saying I would do anything, read anything, and that I had been on this web site for 7 months and had learned a lot--I really hate to fuss. Dr. Hong said he would wave the pre-op because this was his fault. Talk about a rollercoster ride!!

The day of surgery-my two sons, my daughter, one of my son's girlfriends, my ex, and my mother-in-law came with me to the hospital. The nurse put in the IV--My son Adam had to leave, he is afraid of needles. He is 6'2" and 190 pounds. :) Then my family all came back in and prayed for me. Their prayers touched my heart! As I was being wheeled toward the elevator they sang--Happy Birthday to you. :) Then my son's girlfriend sang as they started to wheel me into the elveator--Good night sweetheart it's time to go.  And off I went.

When in the surgery room I saw the guy who puts you off into la la land. :)  He asked me if I had any questions, I said no. In came Dr. Hong--He asked me if I was ready I said yes. I was told I would be out in about 20 sec. and out I went.

I woke up in a LOT OF PAIN! I was never worried about the surgery--but I was of the pain. I guess in the room I kept saying over and over--I hurt-I hurt. I kept pushing that pain button over and over again. I could not open my eyes-but I heard what was going on around me very well. My family started praying again for me and all of a sudden I heard Adam say, "I don't feel so well." I knew what that ment, but could not say anything. Next thing you know his dad catches him going down, his brother also helps him down to the floor. As my mother in law goes to get the nurse-and I hear Adam coming to I say, "Adam, you are taking all the attention away from me." He chuckled. The nurse comes in and wants prick his finger. HE goes nuts saying no! NO! This is all going on around me and I can't watch, because my eyes are too heavy to open. This is about 11:00pm  I was told the RNY only took 1 1/2 hours! Dr. Hong was very pleased.

About Me
Vancouver, WA
Feb 14, 2006
Member Since

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8 months out! 84 pounds down!
