It's A New Day!

Apr 25, 2008

I have not had a single moment to post on here!  It's crazy wonderful!  I am busy ALL the time now!

I am working out M-W-F at 24 hour fitness on machines, eliptical, and treadmill and sometimes bicycle.  Then on T & TH I go to water aerobics!

If anyone would have told me that I was going to have the strength or wish to exercise I would have said they were crazy!  But I do!!!  and I love it!

My house is cleaner too!  I had reached a point where I didn't clean my house as well as I use to when I was first married.  I had reached a point where I ate out all the time and didn't cook good meals anymore too!  Now, I love to cook for my family (well LOVE may be too strong) but I enjoy it for sure!  I like cleaning the house to some really good music again too!  It's wonderful!  My husband hasn't said anything about the cooking or the cleaning but I am sure he has noticed because everything in the bedroom is F A N T A S T I C!!!  Oh, maybe that was T M I.  Sorry.

This picture is making my face look elongated when really I had reached 300 pounds when I decided to have the surgery and began the process back in the end of October.  Now I weight 223 pounds and only have 78 pounds to go to goal!!!!  I will make it too!  I am not going to post any pictures online until I am under 200 so be watching because HERE I COME!!!

Oh, and I even went and got my motorcycle license and have been driving my Buddy 125 back and forth to work each day - 96 miles to the gallon.  One day I hope to graduate to a a Honda 250.  I am looking into Salsa dancing classes as well.  FUN FUN FUN!!!

Back at Work!

Mar 05, 2008

It is so nice to be back at work.  I am only working half days but it has been so nice to be back!  I work with a great group of guys who have been nothing but wonderful through this transition.  In fact, they just HAD to welcome me back with a surprise.  They master minded an elaborate set up I assure you!  My desk was all messed up because they rearranged everything and taped everything   everywhere!  There was a string hanging from the ceiling which they knew I would eventually pull in my "cleaning" process and boom - SNOW!  Packing peanuts came pouring down from the ceiling and every time someone opened the door and closed it more would fall.  I'll post pictures later.

I am still on the pureed part of the diet and I learned the other night that tuna fish with light mayo and pickle  juice is not ready to make it's debut in my stomach yet.  Whoa!  Thank God I didn't throw up but I sure thought it was going to happen any minute.  Other than that nigththings have been good.
I blended some Wendy's Chili with cheese in the blender and ate that for lunch today and it tasted grrreat!


Feb 17, 2008

I love ya tomorrow!
You're only a day away!!!!!

At 7:30 in the morning I will arrive at the hospital and be ready to spread my wings and fly!  Woo Hoo!

I know it will take time before I can actually fly but . . . I don't care because I am sooo pumped!!!


Feb 14, 2008

Wow!  I cannot believe I am going to have surgery in 4 days!  I am so excited and yet I am a little nervous too.  I don't know what it is going to be like after the surgery completely.  Don't get me wrong, I believe things will certainaly be better I just know there is sooo much to learn.

My co-workers have been behind me and so have my family members and my 5 dearest friends in all the world - Shari, Lana, Connie, Sue, and Angie.  I am very fortunate to have a great "at home" support system.  One co-worker who I know cares about me has told me the whole time, "Why are you doing this?  You don't have to do this.  I will be your personal trainer."  And on and on.  I know he means well and I certainly don't take it personal.  Anyway, he finally came up to me today and said he wished me well and told me he would support my decision.  Wow!  That was a big step for him! 

My medical directives are taken care of.  My mom and dad are coming for the surgery and then my mom is staying for a little while.

My 3 daughters are a little nervous but not too much.

I'm afraid I won't know what to eat even though I have read everything I could get my hands on plus all the materials the North Hills Bariatric Center gave me.

I've lost 14 pounds on the OptiFast so far but I sure am dry in the mouth and I am drinking water out the wazzo.

WOW!  Monday morning I will be starting the first day of the rest of my life!

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 4
It's A New Day!
Back at Work!
