First day back to work

Jul 13, 2009

Ok I did it. I will be 4 weeks out this week and I went back to work. I was terrified to go back. This has all been very strange to me because for one I love my work and life, for two I usually am not afraid of much. But honestly after all I have been thru I have been terrified of everything and even afraid to live and try stuff. I am hoping that will go away the more I heal. So my supervisor was WONDERFUL today, it helps she had RNY in December. She was very understanding which is what I needed today. I got really tired real easy and this JP drain is killing me. I had sharp pains all day long and my back was hurting me. I posted in the forums about it and thanks so much to everyone who answered! I am scared to get it taken out, but they helped me understand it wont hurt. I am still taking pain killers! I did have to take some Labotab (?) pain med today at work, just was to much. But I enjoyed getting my mind of the tube and surgery. It was such a nightmare. I cant wait for the day I can think of my surgery without the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. So I am going to relax tonight and go to bed early, back to work tomorrow. Sleeping in the recliner still most of the time and that sucks but at least I can sleep. Thats about all! Thanks to all who leave comments too! Its nice to know people care.

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About Me
Bakersfield, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2009
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