How Time Flies When You Enjoy Life So Much More!

Dec 29, 2007

Hello everyone!  I've received some requestes to here I am.  I'm sorry I haven't been more faithful to keeping my blog up to speed...but, as I'm sure you can understand, the healthier I get, the better I feel, the more I, I'm sorry to say, I don't sit on the computer like I used to. 

An of today, I've lost 86 pounds.  I feel really confidant that I'll hit my goal of loosing 100 pounds by the six month mark.  I know I say this in all of my blogs, but I have to say it again...I just feel FABULOUS!  I am continually shocked at how GOOD I feel, and how much it improves week after week.  I'm doing well at taking all of my vitamins...drinking water.....eating FAIRLY well, although continue to struggle with getting all of my protein in.  I am sorry to say that I do NOT dump...I wish that I did, but alas I do not.  My hair is falling out....sigh...I had so hoped that I wouldn't be hit with this.  On the plus side, though, I did start out with really thick hair, and it's also naturally curly, so no one (not even my hair stylist) has noticed.  But boy when I shower, YOWZA!!  I did purchase some protien shampoo from my stylist...and, something that I would guess is similar to Rogain, and an additional supplement to take daily.  I hope that combining all of these  things will keep my hairloss from being noticable.

Holidays were wonderful!  I am comfortable enough now with my new way of life that I didn't feel deprived or left out of traditional EATING at all.  I took a bit of most things at the dinner table...had a bit of post-surgery friendly dessert...and enjoyed my family and friends as much...well BETTER THAN...years past.  

I continue to exercise most days of the week.  I have just really grown to (GASP) enjoy my t ime on the treadmill.  I walk/run 3-ish miles a day......jamming to my iPOD and just finding peace in my thoughts.  It's really as mentally theraputic as it is physically.  I a lso do stomach crunches and work with resistance bands.  I'm not going to have any problems with saggy yucky skin...tummy is AWESOME...legs are coming along...tush is coming along...BUT, oh my LORDDDDDDDD my hope for them.  They were always a  problem area for me I'm not really suprised.  I've just decided that on my one year surgery date anniversary, August 24th, I'll have plastics to remove the batwings...maybe even get some new boobs!  HA

Okay all, that is all that I know for now.  I'll try to be updating monthly and am sorry I'd missed a month.  If I get behind again...just email me and hollar a bit....I'll get back on track!  I really did hope to have pics posted by now....I'll continue to shoot for that goal.  How are all of my OH friends doing out there??

Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin Again!

Nov 03, 2007

Hello everyone!  Time for an pdate again...
Well, as I always say in my posts, I'm continuing to just feel AMAZING.  I have such a new passion for life...a new energy within me that I never knew I had!  I guess the truth is, I just didn't realize how LITTLE energy and passion I had before wls.  I find myself sleeping better...working better...playing harder...and never feeling too tired to do what I want to do.  I wear make-up almost every day instead of only occasionally. I can fit into (and look good in) all kinds of stylish clothes.  Yesterday I must have looked great because I receive a ton of compliments (haven't had that happen in a long time)...even my 21 year old brother said I looked "hot"...who knew!  :)  Anyway, I am continuing to find out more and more about  myself...and leave more and more of "the fat mom" behind.  I've lost over 60 pounds, and have dropped three (almost four) sizes.  I credit my surgeon for being the angel that delivered my miracle...thank the good Lord for granting me this blessing...and am proud of myself for having the courage to shed my old skin and leave it behind, once and for all.  I eat exactly as I should almost 100% of the time...exercise 5 days a week...rarely miss the laundry list of vitamins.....doing great over here!  How are all my OH friends doing out there??

8 Weeks Out and Feeling AMAZING!!!

Oct 20, 2007

Hello everyone!  Well, yesterday I was officially 8 weeks out.  I've lost 51 pounds so far...that is almost a pound per day...woohoo!  I've gone from a tight 24 jeans to a loose size 20.  My tops have gone from a 24 to a 16/18.  Even my shoe size has changed from a 9 to an 8...who knew a person could loose a shoe size!  HA  I'm just feeling so wonderfully.  I get to know and get used to my new tummy and eating habits more and more each day...most things that were difficult, frustrating and a bit scary in the beginning are now second nature and don't require much thought anymore.  I still eat around 1/4 a cup per  meal, even though I should have increased it a bit at the 6 week mark...I just can't do it yet, so I don't push.  I'm finally done with chewable vitamins and now can swallow surgeon had recommended the CVS brand of multivitamin, so I'm taking that now, which is WONDERFUL...I was sooooooo SICK of chewables!  I'm doing well getting in my more shakes BUT it's the primary part of my diet.  Still walk on my treadmill almost daily, for 3-ish miles. My mother, bless her heart, has done great taking before and current pictures of my progress...when she gets them developed, I'll post them. is good....I'm so happy with my decision and my progress...I feel like I've gotten a new lease on life!  How is everyone else out there doing??

Six Weeks Out Tomorrow!

Oct 04, 2007

Hello everyone!  Tomorrow I will be six weeks out....woohoo!  As of this morning, I've lost 46 pounds....yippeeeeeeee!  I feel fabulous.  My incisions are all just barely visible.  I have no tenderness or soreness at all.  In fact, other than my new tummy when I eat , I cant even tell Ive had the surgery.  Next Tuesday I go for my 6 week checkup with Dr. Jones...I'm looking forward to adding new food choices!  However, Im certain I'll not be able to up the amount yet...I still don't always get in the 3 ounces at a time.  I do seem to foam a few times a week...ohhhhhhhh the fun of foamies.  Whew!  I'm trying to determine w hat triggers it in me...I do believe if I eat a bite even a SECOND sooner than I should....then viola...foamies.  So I'm trying to really monitor the time between bites, and learn to listen to my tummy IMMEDIATELY when I feel the funky fab foamies thinking about paying me a visit.  GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!  My treadmill that worked so famously as a clothes dryer has been actual treadmill!  HA  I've walked on it the past two weeks, almost daily, for at least a half hour....and I find I don't dread it!  WHO KNEW!!  HA  I have almost no pants that I can wear anymore...shirts are easier...they cant fall off.  My only hang up at this point is getting in all the protien I need.  I do eat almost nothing but protien, and drink a 30 gram protien smoothie each morning..but that is all I can gag down.  I hope the dietician has some great tips for me when I go in next week...I sure don't want to loose my hair!!!!!!!!!  How is everyone else out there doing??

3 Weeks Out and Feeling GREAT!

Sep 16, 2007

Hello everyone!  Well, as of last Friday I am three weeks out.  I have to tell you I feel WONDERFUL!  I have lost 33 pounds and physically and just feeling great.  My tummy feels as though I've never even had the surgery...yipee!  Most of "steristrips" have fallen off.  I'm adjusting well to my new pace of eating and drinking and am FINALLY getting comfortable to the "newness" in  my tummy.  I'm also coming out of (but not yet to the finish line) of the constant sleepiness.  I have made it up to 10:00 pm the past two nights...yeah!!  I've had a few boughts of headhunger but they seem to pass quickly.  It is worse when I'm with family and/or friends for a big dinner...and I'm stuck with my few bites of whatever while everyone else enjoys a feast. shrinking body is making it easier and easier to deal with.  I am soooooooooo ready for veggies and fruit!  To get in all the protein I can, I pretty m uch eat cheese...more cheese....refried beans....more refried beans...and cottage cheese, with some more cottage cheese.  I go back to the dr on 10/9 and assume I'll get the go-ahead to add more things to my diet.  I'm really craving, of all things, brocolli and cheese...and...pinapple!  (I would also give about anything for a diet Pepsi but alas this is not to be).  Well, my mentality is great....physically feeling fine.....doing well with my new self..>BUT...SUCKING at exercising!!  I even have a brand new state of the art treadmill that I bought as a gift for myself and this adventure to a new me....but so far, I can only vouch that it makes a FINE place to hang dry clothes.  HA!  Well, my goal is to walk each and every night this week for at least a half hour.....stay tuned for the success or failure of my goal!  :)

I Made It!

Aug 31, 2007

Hello everyone!  One week ago today I had my surgery.  I arrived at the hospital at 7 a.m., and began the pre-op garb....weighed in, answered several questionsk verified things, signed several forms, and dressed in my lovely ted hose, fuzzy socks and buffalo hospital gown.   From there, I sat with my dear husband and mom....and waited...and waited....and waited.  Finally an near 10:00 a.m., the nurses  came for me.  I got a bit teary, kisses and hugged my hubby and mom, and off I went.  I went into the operating room, praying as fast as I could, and hopped on the table.  It was freezing cold in there, jazz music was playing in the background, and attendants (who all looked the same due to their scrubs) were working away busily.  Everyone was very polite and I tried to act calm and collected, when I was really thinking HOW CAN EVERYONE BE SO CALM???  I was very scared and just continued to pray..pray..pray.  Dr. Jones came in, rubbed my arm reassuringly, and the anesthesiologist told me what would happen....he would put in the IV, inject the magic potion, and I would drift off....and that is exactly the way it happened.  He put in the IV...put in the juice...I felt it burning up my arm....and the n ext thing I new, I was waking up painlessly in recovery.  WOOHOO!!!  I MADE IT!!!  I groggily kissed my hubby and mom, and then went to sleep.  When I awoke I really wasnt too sore, except for, oddly,  my back.  My back felt HORRIBLE.  Non the less, I was able to maneuver about, do what the nurses asked, and things seemed fine.  My tummy was FINE, virtually no pain...but my BACK!!  The pain meds bairly touched it.  Saturday evening I was released...and, home I went.  (Which, by the way, is two hours from the hospital.)  I got home and never settled in right.  By Sunday evening I was in such horrid pain (again, all in my back...tummy was okay).  I couldn't breath well, and the p ain was horrible.  My hubby was too scared to drive me to my hospital so we went to the local hospital for a ride.  MISTAKE!  Those fools thought they were gonna work on me...I THINK NOT!  After a gastly two hour work up they finally sent me by ambulance.  While there, (sorry for graphicness) I threw up...didn't hurt m y tummy a bit...and I felt CURED.  But then, every 15 minutes or so, and any time I even attempted to lay down, I would get sick.  Finally after an awful ride to the hospital, I had several tests, including a CAT scan, and determined there were "blockages" in my instestines.  By this time it was the wee hours of the morning and I could bairly keep my eyes open.  I went back to the bari unit, two doors down from where I  had been a few days prior, was  medicated, and went to sleep.  The next morning my Dr came in...I had a kink in my of the common complications.  She told me that I had to go back in to surgery that day to have it fixed...the waste couldn't get out so my intestines were over producing acids to try to cure it.  Hence, the horrible back ache and throwing up.  I was SO upset and felt that I had made a horrible decision to have the surgery...I was in the "WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE" mind frame, for sure!  All day I was as low as I could mom and hubby with me, of course.  I went in for surgery, unable to control my fear and tears.   Same thing...IV....burning sensation...and awoke in there recovery room feeling GREAT.  Needed no pain meds from then on out.  I came home Wednesday evening... I didn't want to rush it this time after the first scare.  So far I feel really good.  Last night I slept the night through with no difficulty.  I haven't needed any pain meds but I'm very tender.  So, I think I"m okay.....I go back for follow up visit this Wednesday.  I'm doing okay eating and drinking, but cant get in even half my protien yet.  Just trying to get in as much as I can...stay properly...and get in all my meds that are required.  It's quite a chore and adjusment!!  Head hunger is a bit of a pain.....  it's harder than I thought it would be.  But my actual physical hunger has been zilch.  So..sorry for the dely in posting...and, for the extra long post.  Stay tuned...I'll write an update next Wednesday.  Let the games begin!

Tomorrow Is My New Beginning! (Scared Out Of My Skin)

Aug 22, 2007

Hello everyone!  Well, tomorrow is the BIG DAY.  My surgery is at 10:00 a.m. and I have to be there at 7:00 a.m.  I've got all my ducks in a row.  House is cleaned...laundry done....groceries bought...bills taken care of....I think my bases are covered.  I must tell you that I'm SCARED.  SCARED OUT OF MY SKIN.  I've read tons of blogs and everyone is happy that they made the decision.....but that only eases my fear a teensy bit.  I look forward to the surgery being OVER....healing being DONE...and being on my way to a new me.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I'll update as soon as I feel up to it...thank you for all of your support!

Pre-Op Testing (Upper GI Horror)

Aug 15, 2007

Hello again!  Another update....
Today was my pre-op testing.  It went rather well, all things considered.  I arrived at 7:45 a.m. and was leaving before 10:30...not bad!!  My first stop was in ER to get several vials of blood drawn and to "pee in a hat".  :)  Next stop was ultrasound of my organs.....another easy one.  After that, xrays of my problem!  And that my friends is where the "easy" ends.  My next stop was to have the Upper GI...OHHHH MYYY WORRDD.  It was as close to hell on earth that I have ever been.  First it required doing two "shots" of a powdery substance bearing a strong resemblence of pop rocks candy...then, a small water chaser.  :)  Next came the aweful, putrid, never ending cup of barium.  People say "it's not so bad"...all I can say is...LIARS!!  All of you!!!!  :)  :)  :)  I gagged, gagged, and gaggedddd it all down and then had the xrays taken.  Oh my word if I never have to do that again in my meger little life, FINE BY ME!!  I do believe it is safe to say that I'm officially primed for Fear Factor!!!  Next stop was a very quick EKG....super easy and quick.  Then, pulmonary function...blow...bloww...bbllooooowwwwwwww...and then, blow.  :)  This too was a piece of cake!  My final stop was to meet with a nurse to answer any final questions and to explain one more time the check in procedure and what to expect.  That is it folks!!!  Nothing left but a small bit of shopping before my surgery.  1 week and 1 more day to go!!!!!! 

Nutrition Class and A Moment Of Silence For My Good Friend, Die

Aug 14, 2007

Well folks, today was my all day nutrition class.  It went wonderfully!  There were 20-ish other "is it time for surgery YET??" people in attendance, along with a few support people.  Everyone there seemed very nice.  I especially enjoyed meeting three of the gals....we giggled, ate lunch, asked eachother questions....was great!  The first half of the day was spent with the nutritionist.  She was wonderfully nice and seemed very informed on all of the in's and out's of the procedure (we were all having roux-en-y except for one gal, who is due to have the lap band)...she even knew the physician's quirks.  She cleared alot of the fog about what to eat when, and I was especially happy to hear that the Isopur that I had hoped to drink for Protien is, in fact, highly recommended.  I was also happy to hear that I do not have to rid my old habit of gum chewing. But ohhhhhhhhhhhh the sad, sorry, awful news that YES, indeed, I have to say my official good-bye's to my dear, old friend..Diet Pepsi.  I have drank enough to fill a small river in my life time, and it is to become a think of the past.  I shall miss it the most, I think.  No caffeine.  No fizz.  Sad, sorrowful truth.  However it shall be able to come back into my life, I hear, in 6 months...however, it must be caffeine free.  Sigh.  HOWEVER...I would be happy to replace it with a size 12 jeans!!!  So good bye old friend, I shall miss you!!

The second half of the day was spent with a nurse practicioner.  She was wonderful as well, and heart felt.  She answered questions...lots and lots of them, bless her heart.  She explained all of the fine list for the day before....what to expect, step by step, during hospital stay.....what to expect when we go home....and warning signs for complications.  

I'll admit that a few times during the day I did find myself zoning off.  Not for long, though...and not due to the ladies' lack of interesting material.  Actually, the room was so chilly that I'm quite certain I was in the beginning signs of hypothermia.  HA!  At any rate, I feel more armed than ever for my new journey to a new me.  My last step before surgery is my pre-op testing that is slated for tomorrow.  I did talk to the girls I met today about it...they all plotted it to being very near the threshold of hell.  In particular, the upper GI.  So, I shall return tomorrow to continue my saga....stay tuned!  (I'm almost certain that nary a soul reads this...but blogging away proves to be very therapeutic so I'll just type away, pretending that others find it of great interest, when in fact I'm sure it's filed away in cyberspace, somewhere in the great beyond.)  :)

Obsessed With OH

Aug 09, 2007

Hello everyone.  Well, I think that it is official...I am quite obsessed with this website.  I find myself searching out folks who looked like me "before" so that I can try to guess what I'll look like "after".  So I comb through the pictures...and read blogs...and then comb through the pictures....and then read blogs.....and.....well, you get the idea.  

I was supposed to have my preop testing done on the 7th, but during the evening on the 6th, I was suckerpunched with a HORRIBLE case of the flu.  So, I will now be having it done on the 15th.  Nutrition class will be on the 14th.  Surgery on the 24th...LESS THAN THREE WEEKS AWAY!!  I've started cleaning my house quite obsessivly....almost as if I were pregnant, with the nesting syndrome.  How funny!  I've begun some of my preop shopping, but won't hit it too hard until after the nutrition class.  I have decided, though, that I will not be drinking the typical "protein shake" as recommended...I'm going to splurge, instead, on IsoPur from tastes GREAT, and I only have to drink 1 1/2 bottles per day to get in my protein.  Time is sneeking up so quickly!  I"m getting more nervous and more excited with each passing day.  I can't believe it's almost here!!  

I've gone through several phases of "bothers".  My most current bother is.....dreading not being able to pick up my 2 year old son.  Gabe is my little man and I can't imagine him looking up at me with those big brown eyes and me having to tell him that mommy can't pick him up.  It's almost more than my ol' heart can bear.  I just keep telling myself that this too shall's only 6 weeks of no lifting...........and, he'll never remember it.  But...I....will.  Stay tuned as my "bother" changes quite often.  :)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 11
How Time Flies When You Enjoy Life So Much More!
Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin Again!
8 Weeks Out and Feeling AMAZING!!!
Six Weeks Out Tomorrow!
3 Weeks Out and Feeling GREAT!
I Made It!
Tomorrow Is My New Beginning! (Scared Out Of My Skin)
Pre-Op Testing (Upper GI Horror)
Nutrition Class and A Moment Of Silence For My Good Friend, Die
Obsessed With OH
