6 years out

Jan 13, 2013

I know it has been forever since i have been on here...Life is great...i got a divorce in 2011 and now have the greatest guy ever...I no longer do seminars since my surgeon has left the state for another practice in PA...I have moved and went back to college and I am now a house supervisor for a group home that has MRDD clients...I am pleased with my life and still with my weight loss...I will say that this far out it is more of a struggle than in the early years...I will try and keep this blog updated...Live today....Dream tomorrow!!!!!!


Three years and counting!!!!

Jan 10, 2010

Hey there everyone!!! As of yesterday (01-10-10) I am out 3 years...It is hard to believe that it has been that long. Time sure does fly when you are busy...I am still holding steady. I go for my 3 year check with Dr. Myers on March 5 (I know a little bit late) I will also be getting another coritzone shot in the tailbone as the one I had in June is wearing off and I don't like to have a pain in the rump. In September I found out that I am anemic (from Feb. to Sept.) so I have been on iron supplements along with my regular vitamins and I also got the Merina IUD and that seems to have helped alot. Other than that nothing else is up.
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The Big "40"

Sep 08, 2009

Well, today I turn 40...alot of people have been asking me what it feels like. I guess I can't answer them because I don't know how 40 is suppost to feel like. I know that I am better and healthier than I was at 30 and that is all that matters to me. Still holding steady with my weight and doing well in everything else. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME....

Feeling Old

Feb 22, 2009

Well, today my baby boy turns "16". I am feeling kind of old today. I know I am only "39" but I feel like I am "49". It seems like just yesterday he was born. I can picture the whole day in my head and not miss a single thing. He now wants to get a job and he is in driving school. I know most of you have already been through this so I know I will get past it. I just needed to vent and maybe cry a little.

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Blood Work

Feb 06, 2009

Well, I just got back from my 2 year post-op visit. Now just for giggles I have to tell you that I see my doctor 3 times a month to do seminars so I really did not need to go see him except to find out about my lab work. So everything is good, but he is putting me on Vit. D & A, 50,000 units a week of both. He said that should more than take care of the levels (they are on the low end of normal). Nothing else to report. Take care. 
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2 years out!!!!!!!

Jan 09, 2009

I would have never guessed that time would fly like it has...It will be 2 years tomorrow that I have having surgery...I guess I should relect on the past couple of years, only it does not seem like it has been that long.

I have been having an issue as of late about how I see myself and how everyone else sees me...Ok, I still have a hard time seeing myself at 164-168 lbs (depending on the day) and a size 12. Everyone else thinks I am crazy for that thought, but I tell them that I can't see it and they say you are so small...Then I say that a size 12 is not small it is normal, but I can see where they are coming from also. I started out in a size 24 so I am 1/2 the person I used to be.

I love to meet new people. They get to meet Paula, not the Paula that had WLS. They really are two different people, not that I am different but I don't want to be known as the girl who had WLS for the rest of my life. New people just see me and get to know the "now" me. I still hold seminars with my doctor a couple days a month. Try and figure this one out: I don't mind the people at the seminars to know about my surgery: crazy huh!!!

OK, now for what I am going to do for the next year. I am going to go back to the gym..It has been about 8 months since I have been there...I could not justify the cost of the gym when I could put that money in my gas tank..but I am going to pay for the whole year with income tax. I really do miss it... I guess that is all for now...

20 Months Out

Sep 10, 2008

Hi everyone!! Well, it has been 20 months since surgery and still maintaining with the up 2 # and down 2#. I still find that it is amazing that I am at this weight.
Last night I went down to the Macy's at Easton and meet with JR the personnal shopper to pick out outfits for the Style Show. Now that was interesting. I went with a group of 3 other ladies and to have an employee of a store go and pick out what she thinks would look good on you is just crazy, but you know what???? She did a fantastic job. She is specially trained in bariatric patients. JR picked out 3 outfit for me and the only one that did not work was a suit in gray ( I don't think gray is my color). The funny thing is I would never have picked out the clothes that she pick for me, but they looked good, so I guess she does know what she is doing. The one outfit is a cream and dark brown plaid, pleated skirt with a shiny dark brown wrap top and the other is a black shirt dress with a red jacket. She also talked to us ladies about how being involved with our group has changed her way of eating and she has lost 7# in the last couple of months with just changing a few of her eating habits. I guess we can be an inspiration for people even if we don't know it. JR did say something that I found to be true. She said that after we loose the weight we buy clothes the same as before just in a smaller size instead of trying new styles and colors. I am still finding out things about myself even this far out. I still see myself as shy and that shocks people, but I HAVE to overcome this and by putting myself out there and meeting new people through support group and doing seminars with my doctor I believe I have made great strides in overcoming my shyness. Well, I have got to go. Everyone have a great day.

Time just flies!!!

Aug 10, 2008

I seems like I just updated my blog and it is time to do it again. Still just maintaining and living life. One new thing has happened. In Oct., 11 other people and myself will be modeling in the First Annual Fresh Start Bariatric Style show. It will be held at Macy's in Easton, OH. Not in a million year would I have thought that I would be in a style show. That is just way out there and putting myself out there for all to see. I guess that just shows how far I have come. If being in the show will help one person decide to look closer at this life changing journey then it will be all worth it. I do find that I don't tell a whole lot of people about what I am doing now. I guess I feel that now (19 months after surgery) that people think I should stop talking about the things I have went through and will be going through. Maybe it is all in my head, but I can't let my old insecurities come back now. I have been given a gift and a second chance to live and I "will" not feel guilty about it. Well, I will go for now. Until next month. ByeBye!!!

1-1/2 years out today!!!

Jul 09, 2008

It is hard to believe that it has been 18 months already. Time sure does fly. Life gets busy and the next thing you know a week, a month, and a year and a half is gone. I am still maintaining and have been having some struggle with what I can eat now. I can stand quite a bit of sugar now, which could be a source of problems, but I know that I can never go back to the way I ate before. The funny thing is that I don't want to eat the way I did before. It is funny how your mind changes the way we think about food and how it fits into our lives. I now have my before/after pictures set up. I spent hours and months looking a before/after profiles before surgery and now I can, hopefully, be an example for someone else. I have found within myself, the desire, no I have to be involved in this process for others to make their lives healthier and to prove to themselves that they are worth this journey. Well, I guess I will go...Just a little HI out there to all my friends and future friends. Paula  

16 Months

May 09, 2008

Tomorrow will be 16 months since my RNY surgery. Not a whole lot going on right now. I think I have come to my first platuea. This is not fun but I know it is part of the journey. I am actually going to see the dietician next Friday. Not that I have any major issues, but I feel I need to see her before anything gets any worst. I feel that I am eating ok but maybe could do better. I have been feeling the need to snack and that could be dangerous. I guess I just get bored (I still do not get hungry) and then my mind starts to wander into what can I put in my mouth. I have also gotten a part-time job (sorta) with my surgeon. I have an official title. I am FreshStart Bariatrics part-time spokes-person. Which means that I will be working for Dr. Myers on the Saturdays that he holds seminars in Columbus. It is all very fun for me and I get to let others know about the surgery and the FreshStart program at Riverside Methodist Hospital. Well, got to run, talk more later. Paula

About Me
Mansfield, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 16, 2006
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Before & After
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Friends 67

Latest Blog 48
20 Months Out
Time just flies!!!
1-1/2 years out today!!!
16 Months
