7 days post op duodenal switch

Jul 04, 2012

Oh what a week it's been. 7 days ago I got up at 6:30 AM to prepare to go to the hospital. I arived there at 8:30 AM and my surgery began around 9:15. My surgeon Dr. O'Malley, took 2.5 hours. I had no complications during surgery, and haven't had any to date. I pray every day that I don't have any at all. # first 3 hours after surgery where hell. I was so nauseas, it was painful. I never knew nausea could be painful. I was given every drug to treat the nausea but nothing worked for about 3 hours. I don't remember recovery or much of those first 3 hours. But around 6 pm something amazing happened.  I woke up feeling pretty damn good for someone who just had their guts rearranged. but that's what dilauded does for you. Yea the first few hours after surgery where rough, my blood pressure didn't want to go down, it was 190/100, but later that evening all was good. I walked quite a bit and slept. That was my day. Day 2 started out good. UNTIL, nurse hatchett gave me huge vicodan pills to take for pain. She suggested I break them to make them easier to swallow. I took half of the first one and it felt like I swallowed a brick. I should have listened to my body and stood my ground. I should have had her crush them or give me liquid. But I listened to her and took another 2 halves. I felt sick for the rest of the day. They just didn't sit well in my new tummy. I raised a stink and got them to give me liquid from then on. Hence my biggest suggestion would be , LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!!! (Since day 4 I have been able to take pills, so no worries, it does get easier.)
On day 3 I was discharged and went to my mom's house to recover. I stayed in her upstairs, it's sort of like a studio apartment. (mini fridge, full bathroom, living room , bedroom, and most important A/C) Going up the stairs the first day was  bit tricky but by the time I got some meds in me I was able to do them with little effort. I thought I would be a nervous wreck, but I did well. I called the Dr a few times. He was easily accessed and that made me feel really good. One call and the Dr is calling you back within 20 minutes. For the next 5 days I puttsed around my moms walked my puppy and napped. ALOT of naps. I found it really easy to get the protein and liquids in. You definatly have to eat whether you are hungry or not, but your not eating much and that makes it easier. Trying to condense your protein into the smallest portion possible helps. If you can't stomach and 8 oz protein shake use a full scoop of protein in 4 oz of milk. I also think having the sleeve rather then the roux-en-y "pouch", is an advantage here. Your stomach is larger and it's easier to get in the protein and h2o. Today I came home. I feel good about it so far. I have alot of anxiety to work through on a daily basis so I know it will be a challenge but I can do this.

