I have never been able to make up my mind...

Dec 12, 2008

I think I am gonna become a lap band girl...providing that my insurance approves it!  My reasoning...in no specific order...
1. fewer complications
2. recovery
3. reversible
I obviously have more reasoning then that but they are the big factors for me.  Plus, I don't know how to explain this, but I want to work slowly toward the goal.   I have always been very healthy and I love going to the gym.   I just want a little push to help me and in doing research on both surgeries, I think the banding is the choice for me. 

Dang...I wish I was single...those Doc's are hot!

Dec 09, 2008

This is gonna be quick...I'm supposed to be working for another few minutes!  I went to the support group meeting last night...it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either.  The best part of it was the hottie doctors in the back of the room.  WHEW!   

Anyways...I learned a little and met some really nice folks.  I plan to go back again.  The biggest thing...is I don't know what to do now.  I liked talking to the lap band people...Hmmm...now I really need to do some digging!

Hi HO Hi HO...off to a support group meeting I GO!!

Dec 08, 2008

Tonight is another group meeting...and I will be there!!     I can't wait.  My cousin had the lap band done about 3 months ago (sorry if my timing is wrong Tiff) and she is supposed to go with me if her plans work the way she wants them to!  It's nice that I have a support system of family around me that have been through this before...although it's interesting to hear the opinions of everyone.  I just laugh when people are negative about WLS.  I just look at them and say " I hear ya, I felt the SAME way a few years ago".  Fortunately, opinions change!

Ugh. Chuckie Cheese or WLC support meeting??

Nov 09, 2008

So my 3 yr old is still in the potty training process and we promised him that we would go to Chuckie Cheese tonight if he did well over the weekend.  But there is a support group meeting tonight.  OH MAN!!  I am so torn!  lol   I'm guessing the meeting is from 6-7 and I get off work at 4:30pm....hmm.  I have to go figure out how to do both!

It's NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 03, 2008

We just got the info from our employer about OPEN ENROLLMENT.  WOOHOOO!!  So it looks like Keystone covers nothing, Geisinger Health has a $2000 deductible, and the PPO needs to be proved that the surgery is medically necessary.  I can do that, right?!
So...11/7 is when I can change benefits and look into it further.  I am still on all the meds.  I still feel like poop.  All I wanna do is get healthy and be here for my family.  Is that too much to ask?  I have really been watching what I eat/excersize and I'm still not getting anywhere.  Maybe the doc was right...maybe it's just not in my blood to get this fat off.  Maybe I really do need the help of this surgery, no matter how much I was against it before. 

Time is ticking...

Jul 29, 2008

Just a little update that I'm still waiting and still doing my research on the surgeries.  Unfortuntely my BP meds had to be raised again.  The doc said that it has come down but not enough to make her happy.  UGH.  Is it November yet??? 

No Insurance Coverage. UGH

Jun 30, 2008

I had my appt with the Coordinator this morning.  Needless to say...I left in tears.
I filled out all of the paperwork, paid the $25 fee, and waited for them to call my name.  I was called back to have my height checked (5'5...I swear I shrunk an inch!) and they checked my weight.  302lbs.  5 lbs down since my doc appt 2 weeks ago *Whoot Whoot*.  We go in a room, sit down and right away she tells me that she called Keystone Central and they do not cover bariatric surgery.  HUH??  I knife just went through my heart.  Ugh...so she went over the self pay info although I didnt hear much after seeing the numbers.  I thank her and walk out...that's it.  I was so mad...I wasted $25 for that?! 
So I called the insurance company and weight loss surgeries are not covered whatsoever (just wanted to make sure in case I was at the wrong Weight Loss clinic or something)...they of course recommended looking at their website for the gym/weight watcher, etc. discounts. Im sure you can imagine what I wanted to say to right there and then,  but I politely told her that my gym is not listed there.  I also called my HR department and she said that she knows that the 2 other insurances do cover the surgeries but she isn't sure what stipulations they have (6 month diet, testing, deductibles, etc).  She told me that my best bet would be to call each insurance company in November during Open Enrollment and find out what each has to offer.  So that's where I am!  It sucks but it's the last day of June so November isn't THAT far away, right?

First appt at WLS

Jun 27, 2008

I'm shakin in my boots!!  My very first appt is on Monday at 9:30am...I'm a little nervous and excited right now!  What do I take, what should I expect, and most important...what the heck should I wear????  lol  
Seriously though...I have my binder full of info, I have my list of questions, and I have my and my family medical history all typed out on a crisp peice of white paper because I know that the nerves will take over and I will totally forget EVERYTHING.

Feel like I'm in Med school...

Jun 23, 2008

Ha!  This is the closest I will EVER get to Med School.  I have been doing so much research in the past two weeks.  Everyone said that considering WLS is a huge thing...man were they right!  I'm not good at blogging but I do want to try to keep up with this so I can look back on it one day...maybe!  I made my appointment with the Insurance Coordinator for June 30th.  Look out now!

About Me
Harrisburg, PA
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 59
