9 weeks Post Op

May 30, 2007

Hi..been a while since I updated, so I thought I would finally.  Have been on a bit of a stall for 2 - 3 weeks, but finally today was down one kg (2.2lbs).  So hopefully the stall is over now!  12.4kg in total now lost ( 27.3lbs).  A bit slower than some but expected when you start as a smaller BMI according to my surgeon.  It was a bit disheartening for a while there...though I did have a pretty bad chest cold for the last month and all the throat lozengers wouldn't have helped much!

Anyway apart from the stall all is good (at least it's still going down) and I am now finally OVERWEIGHT!!  (Not Obese anymore)!

Some days getting all my protein & water in is a battle and occasionally going back to bad eating habits doesn't help, however at least I can only have a small amount and not binge on large amounts of it.

Anyway that's all for now...it's all good and I don't regret this surgery for a second! 

17 days Post Op

Apr 14, 2007

My recovery has been great....I think I may be a rare or lucky case after reading the stuff on here (then again I've had a baby so I prepared myself mentally).  The surgery went well (the only time I was scared was waiting for my turn in the waiting room!).

I'll be totally honest ....when I first woke up out of surgery I was in agony...however I think they need you to wake up before they pump the drugs in...so about 5-10mins later I was morphined up (my first time) and all was well.  They gave me a button so I could top it up every 5 mins myself too.  I stayed in High Dependency  for 24hours  I was walking to go to the toilet and found the first 1-2 days hard to sit up unaided but used the triangle thingie...which worked well.  And lots of ice chips, I think I drove the poor nurse mad getting them all the time. I had never had major surgery before or morphine but found that first day I just couldn't keep my eyes open.  The gas in my tummy was a little painful (I had no shoulder tip pain though...lucky I hear!)

Day 2. They wheeled me up to get the leak test (not painfull...just horrible anniseed taste).  After I was cleared of leaks I could have water (which was lovely!)....had a shower by myself & moved me out of High Dependency.   Stayed there one night and they gave me soup, jelly, tea, coffee etc.....  Dr France came and told me I could go home the next day (sat) or sunday what ever I felt.  I chose Saturday. 

The drive home (bumpy was a little uncomfortable)...I found sleeping difficult (I'm a side sleeper and there's only so much I could take laying on my back)...my dad had a comfy chair for the daytimes..but I hardly used it...I was up and about.

I went into surgery at 86 - 88kg / 189 -194 lbs (it kept changing)...came out 89kg  / 196 lbs (fluids I think)...then lost 1kg / 2.2 lbs a day for about 5-6 days....then had 8 days of nothing...now it has started coming off again...I am now 80kg / 176 lbs and I can see it already!  I only look 5 months pregnant and not 8 now!  lol

Anyway I have had no problems....eating is freaky....I just am not hungry....though I did have a couple of small easter eggs (you know the tiny wee ones...3 BITES and sucked them....I have never eaten that little chocolate at easter EVER!  (even at that time of the month I wasn't craving it first time EVER!)

 Occasionally whilst doing something else I have forgotten and taken a huge sip of something but learnt quickly too.

I am 17 days out and am fine....no meds and driving around from about day 5 or 6...no gas...no constipation (I'm taking the stuff he said "Benefibre")....the only thing I  had to do was teach my daughter I can't pick her up anymore for a while...which she has been fine with...she kept kissing better my tummy "stickers"!  lol  Aren't they adorable!

I know everyone is different...but I'm 38...reasonably healthy for an overweight person (cholesterol and back pain)....a bit of a sook with needles...and I feel great with no regrets (so far so good!).  I am single and I am so excited to get thinner so I have the confidence I have lacked in meeting people and wearing nice clothes...can't wait for the shopping spree and shocking people who haven't seem me for a long time..LOL

I am amazed at how quickly the body feels well.....I couldn't imagine how it would feel before surgery and it has been better than I thought.  My daughters father & I split up when I was 5 months pregnant....and NOTHING is worse than doing feeds every day 24/7 by yourself....so this was a piece of cake (NOPE no mention of cake anymore - it was a "walk in the park"  lol

Protein is hard to get it all in but I'm eating that first now.  I have no hunger!!  I am eating only because I know I have to...that bit freaks me out!  I could never imagine that in a million years 3 weeks ago! 

I have been very fortunate my surgery went so well!

On the other side! 3 days Post Op.

Mar 31, 2007

Got home yesterday and am on the bench officially now!  Dr France was happy with my surgery.  Having a few gas pains but not as bad as some I have read on here (so I think I'm lucky at this stage).  When I first woke up after surgery I thought "oh my gosh what have I done" but as soon as the Morphine kicked in it was all good!  Now I'm on soluble panadol and the occasional stronger meds when needed.  The only think I'm finding is getting sick of laying on my back for so long during the night (so keep waking up about 3 hourly and having to move around).  Anyway will write more when I get some time....but I'm home & well!

Before Pics - Tomorrow is the day!

Mar 27, 2007

Just took and uploaded my before pics and took my measurements etc. Here goes :-(

Weight:  193.5 lbs  =  87.8 kgs
BMI:  34.3

Chest:  45"  =  114cm
Waist:  45"  = 114cm
Hips:   48"  =  122cm
Thighs:  44"  =  112cm

Anyway that's all folks till I'm on the bench with you all and those numbers are never that high again!!

Endoscopy Today

Mar 26, 2007

Had my endoscopy this afternoon (Monday 26th) and it went really smoothly (nothing to be stressed about at all)!  That's the final step before surgery on Thursday....it will be all systems go!  I am feeling quite calm at the moment though I just know I'll never be able to sleep Wednesday night!!  Looking forward to it being all over and done with so I can get on with the recovery process!

One week to go!

Mar 21, 2007

I have one week today till my surgery and am getting nervous (but I know that I am doing the right thing in the long term).

Its going to be strange learning my new stomach's limits and learning to deal with the "head hunger" I keep reading about but I'm sure it will be much easier than all the weight loss attempts and failures in the past!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 6
9 weeks Post Op
17 days Post Op
On the other side! 3 days Post Op.
Before Pics - Tomorrow is the day!
Endoscopy Today
One week to go!
