I am 23 years old and preparing for WLS. I recently have ran into problems with my insurance and kind of found this website for support. I have been a paramedic for 5 years and I have served in the fire service for 8 years...so getting this surgery is not only a personal thing, but it is also for the future of my career. I have heard from numerous people that if you keep fighting the insurance company then you will win!

12/11/05 - Had my mental exam today...it was quite interesting! As a paramedic I found it interesting in the questions they ask...But, I am looking forward to my other tests!

01/03/06 - Well, I am due to have my GI series and abd ultrasound tomorrow, only to find out today that Kaiser has changed their minds and deemed me non-medically necessary for the surgery, therefore denying my pre-op authorizations. So, I cancelled my appointment because they wanted me to pay almost $500 for the tests.

01/07/06 - I am now almost 6 months into stopping smoking cold turkey and cravings hit hard earlier...so, I decided to try the patch. A comedy in itself! I have had some of the wierdest dreams...so funny to the point that I actually enjoy wearing the patch! I have curbed my cravings AND have been waking up laughing over what I have dreamed about! I am still fighting with the insurance company...appearently I have to wait for a 30 day appeal. I am going to try and schedule other appointments tomorrow and try to get some other referrals approved...hey, they already approved some of the tests they may as well approve these because I am not giving up!!

01/17/06 - Well, I told my insurance company that I wished to be present for my denial meeting. So, in preparation for anything they throw at me, I am collecting all of my physcians records in regards to my life-long battle with obesity. I have printed out several of the surveys on this website that I felt reflected excellent questions and with my answers present. I have an appeal letter formated. I have my ducks in a row! I am hoping that if I am doing all of this because of a referral denial then they will see that I am serious about this...And, if in return they consider denying my surgery, then they will only have to see me again...I can be relentless!!

01/25/06 - So, Kaiser never told my surgeon or me that I had to lose 5% body weight prior to being approved for the surgery...and I specifically asked that question 6 months ago. I am on strict diets until February 8th. I am doing low calorie, high protein and taking B12, flax seed oil, and lasix. Hopefully that will allow me to lose the 19 pounds I need to lose before February 8th. However, if I still have a few pounds to lose, I technically have until February 29th. So, I'm not sweating it yet. But, what sucks is that I am on this diet on my birthday...BLAH!!

02/01/06 - Well, I have lost 12 of the 20 pounds that Kaiser says I had to lose...7 more to go!! They approved my cardiology and pulomonology referrals and I went today for my pulmonary function test! I have my denial grievance tomorrow for my upper gi series and abd ultrasound...hope it goes well! Everyone wish me luck, even though I won't know their decision until a week or so from now.

2/28/06 - I was suppose to have surgery on 3/2/06, but Kaiser didn't approve me :( This is rediculous!! I have to do another 6 months of supervised weight loss...my question is, what happens if I can't lose the 20 lbs before August 1 now? Do I have to keep this up forever!! HELP!!!

3/30/06 - After everything was said and done with Kaiser and I was approved...my company just got bought out and now I have to go through the process with Optimum Choice. At least I still had my supervised WL attempts still!!

6/29/06 - So, I haven't been on here in awhile...My company was sold and bought by a nationwide company. I was approved first go around with my new insurance company and I am set-in-stone scheduled for August 10th surgery date!! That is less than a month and a half from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you feel my excitement?

7/17/06 - Holy S@&#! Only 26 days to go! This is the time where everyone starts going crazy huh? Well I have a few major things happening over the next 3 weeks, so hopefully I can just go from event to event and then by the time I know it...8/10 will be here. I have joined a gym (MAC) and love it. I don't feel bad being the fat girl there, cause I know in a year I will be a different person.  BMI - 59.4

8/22/06 - Well, surgery is done and overwith! I am 12 days post-op and feeling great! Today I am going to venture thru my closet and see what I can fit into now :)! I have lost 30 pounds so far so I am hoping I can fit into a couple pair of jeans that I haven't seen in awhile. Well off to eat (drink) my lunch!

06/14/07 - I am roughly 150 pounds down since surgery. I feel great. Everyone tells me I look great...would do this again in a heartbeat!!  BMI - 38.5

07/17/07 - Almost a year out, I cannot believe it!  I had set my goal to be at 250 pounds (down at total of 152 pounds) by August 10th, and I did it!!!  Almost a month early to boot!  My next goal is to be 200 by Christmas.  That gives me the rest of this summer to sweat it all out.  BMI - 36.6

About Me
Joppatown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 1
3 Month Post-Op Appointment
