Beginning phase of getting approved.

Jul 28, 2009

I have already went to the seminar and filled out the paperwork and now I am just waiting to hear from my surgeon to get the process going. I called my insurance company and lucky gastric is covered. Since I have already met my deductible they will pay at 80%. She couldn't tell me what the requirements are but at least I know that weight loss surgery is covered. I called my secondary insurance and I am also covered for any type of weight loss surgery.

My primary will only cover gastric but that is okay as that is what I really want! 
My second insurance will cover 85% and the doctor's with unlimited days in the hospital. She said there are a few requirements such as BMI and other problems I am having. I am so happy right now as I know that an end is in sight I just hope really soon as I need it badly.

Right now I am having severe swelling to a point that I can not walk that great. I have been tested for a lot of stuff and so far all my organs are great. Since they can not seem to find out why I am swelling I am on water pills and have a test on friday with the heart doctor. This test I am scared of because  I have to get injected with tracer and they take pictures of your heart. I am hopeful again nothing will be wrong.

I just hope the process will be soon as I am in so much pain! I want to be able to walk again and enjoy my children and grandkids. This summer has been very painful for me as before all the swelling I had started a exercise program before work and I was doing so well until all the swelling. I guess my weight will no longer carry me. If you believe in god in all can you pray for me?

I believe you can never have to much prayer. I know god will get me through all of this.


About Me
Johnston, IA
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2009
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