3rd Half Marathon... check

Oct 19, 2011

So I completed my 3rd half marathon on Sunday… what an accomplishment. I managed to gain 2 pounds back that I lost the last few weeks but I am back on track today. I finally got down in the normal BMI range and managed to blow that to hell this past weekend. It was worth it though… Inspiration Pasta party the night before the marathon and a fabulous victory party after the marathon in the evening. Best food ever. Best experience ever. I ate at the Cheesecake Factory and the Hard Rock Café in San Francisco and LOVED every minute of it… every bit… every calorie. And today, well I am 2 pounds heavier. LOL Oh well, just shows this weight game we play never seems to end. I have an appointment with TJ’s neurologist next weekend and we are working with his pediatrician to go to UCSF up to their Epilepsy Center where they specialize in epilepsy. In my heart the medication he is on isn’t working. If his neurologist here doesn’t want to listen to our concerns or side effects, I am taking the matter into my own hands… that’s what a proactive parent does. I am not going to sit on my ass and watch my son fail in all aspects in life. He’s getting a F in Science, D- in Math, History and band. He’s missing way too much school because his head is always hurting and this isn’t right. I can’t watch him waste his life away on a condition that can be monitored and controlled with proper mediation. Finding that right medication is what we need to focus on. Meanwhile, he has to suffer and as his mother, it breaks my heart.   


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Pacific Grove, CA
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Nov 12, 2006
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