Michael Eak 17 years, 8 months ago

Well Happy 4th Anniversary Allison, You look Radiently Sexy & Beautiful. Will you update your OH profile with at photo too? Your an Inspiation to me too. I won't be beautiful but hopefully handsome soon. Good Lick in your future endeavors!

Michael Eak 17 years, 8 months ago

Well Happy 4th Anniversary Allison, You look Radiently Sexy & Beautiful. Will you update your OH profile with at photo too? Your an Inspiation to me too. I won't be beautiful but hopefully handsome soon. Good Lick in your future endeavors!

Bama Sunshine 18 years, 7 months ago

Hi Allison! Just came across your post and had to check out your profile. Congratulations on all your success~~~you are truly an inspiration to all us pre-ops. You look awesome and sound so full of life. It's amazing to see all the transformations in everyone, physically and mentally. That's so wonderful for you to be on the Tyra Banks show with your story~~~~WooHoo, You Go Girl!!! (Just let us know when it's on, station and time, if possible, I'd love to see ya! Since I've been overweight, these type shows have always been so inspirational to me) May you continue to enjoy your newfound life and experience all the great things this world has to offer. Take care & God Bless~~Lisa

qtalleycat68 18 years, 7 months ago

Well i know its been a long time but i have some exciting news on wed my daughter and i did the tyra banks show. It was on people who had drastic changes and how it has changed you. I dont know when it airs yet but they said in about 2 weeks or so and they would call me when they know. Ill keep you updated. 3 years ago i would have never gone on tv or anywhere else I cant believe how much has changed things are going great this surgery is the best decision i ever made for my self. Oh yeah i also left my husband he just couldnt handle it. That im no longer dependant on him.

qtalleycat68 18 years, 7 months ago

Well i know its been a long time but i have some exciting news on wed my daughter and i did the tyra banks show. It was on people who had drastic changes and how it has changed you. I dont know when it airs yet but they said in about 2 weeks or so and they would call me when they know. Ill keep you updated. 3 years ago i would have never gone on tv or anywhere else I cant believe how much has changed things are going great this surgery is the best decision i ever made for my self. Oh yeah i also left my husband he just couldnt handle it. That im no longer dependant on him.

qtalleycat68 19 years, 4 months ago

Well IM WORKING Its been over 12 years since i have been able to work and now im working its been 2 weeks since i started my job and im loving it. I was on disability due to my weight and now im off of it. I called them up and told them i no longer need or want it. It feels so good to have a purpose in life.Before this surgery i hated my self and had no self confidence but now with the help of this surgery and friends i have made along the way I feel so much more confidant. I believe if my I could do this anyone can. This has been the best choice i have ever made in my life i just wish my mother was alive to see it. She is the one of the reason why i had this surgery in the first place she was 58 when she died and i was heading in the same direction. I am so much more happier than i thought i could be and i feel things will just get better.

qtalleycat68 19 years, 8 months ago

Well its been 2 years since my surgery and things are doing good. I had a little set back on sept 13th i had a blockage and had to have emergency surgery im doing good now. Things have all changed for the better im now 310 pounds lighter i started out at 495 and now weigh 185 ive stayed this weight since july. Ive found out threw my journey that support is a big factor in success my local support group has been great for me and all the friends ive made is wonderful. im doing things now i never thought id ever do again like going to the movies,concerts,fair rides, tieing my shoes crossing my legs and so much more. This surgery has been the best thing ive ever done for myself and YES i would do it all over again.

qtalleycat68 20 years ago

Well its been 20months since my surgery and i lost another 9 1/2 pounds last month i now have lost 301 pounds i started out at 495 and now weigh 194 I would have never dreamed this over a year ago. My life is getting better and better.

qtalleycat68 20 years, 3 months ago

Well its been 17 months since my surgery ive lost another 12pounds this month which makes my loss a total of 281 pounds. I started at 495 now im 214 which makes me no longer OBESE but just overweight kinda funny im happy with being overweight never thought this could happen to me. my life just keeps getting better and better. If I can do this anyone can It was the best decision i ever made for me and my life and wouldnt change a thing.

qtalleycat68 20 years, 5 months ago

Well i went to see dr.rehnke today for my 15month check up and i lost another 16 pounds. I couldnt believe it. I now have lost a total of 265 pounds. and i weigh 230 pounds. Pinch me i must be dreaming.
About Me
Largo, FL
Apr 23, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me at my all time high of 495 yuck
This is me 20 months out I have now loss 301 pounds and weigh 194
