Geting some homework done...

Feb 07, 2009

Hello everyone! My 1st appt came and went. I had mixed feelings about it. The NP met with me asked more of the same typical questions, I answered the best I could. She asked if I had any particular surg in mind; my answer was  either VS or RNY. her answer to me was that the RNY will be a better choice for me. I was taken back by that statement since i did not expected to have the discussion with the surgeon and not her! Given my clinical history and my fam clinical history she said it will be a "better choice"  Why do I feel cheated about this? Nevertheless she was very through explaining all the choices except the band as per my request. I guess I was not mentally ready for it. I taught we were going to discuss only the pre op test that I need. Of course I need the Psych eval (scheduled), a pre/post PFT (scheduled). lab work, more letter from my PCP, and the results from an prior ECHO. Later I went on to see my nut. She explained that I will need to go on a liquid diet 2 wks b4 surg. I will need to order the shakes from her,since the are prescribed? I will do whatever is necessary!!!

I met with Nancy my nut later that day. I found her to be very knowledgeable. She explain what  I need to be doing now in order to prepare myself for all the coming changes. I got a lot of reading material. exhausting! She also encourage me to write a list of things I wish for to change a yr post op and put them away and read them then to compare what I will accomplish. I tough it was a good idea. Nancy continue to advice me on the types of protein and the amount I will need to consume on a daily basis. I felt a lil overwhelmed with soo much info. She complemented me on my questions, she was able to tell I kinda did some homework before my appt. It definitely helped!

I just needed to vent!!! I am trying to stay focus one day at a time. Wish me luck!

Last I met with the financial coordinator who advise me as soon as have all of the results the will present my case to the ins co. I naively asked what is the average wait after that and she said 1 WEEK! I was surprised. It also made me nervous. i felt like wow this might happened sooner than I expected.

Next week is my PFT, I will also see my PCP and get my labs done. the week after that will be my psych eval. Keeping my finger cross tru this process. Its been a roller coaster ride but a ride I do not want to pass.


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Surgery Date
Jan 16, 2009
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