No More Type 2 Diabetes!

Mar 12, 2009

I thought it would be wise to update my blog so I understand the journey I've been on.

It's been 3 months now since I had the heart stent put in (which has delayed my gastric bypass surgery for up to one year).  I've been going to cardiac rehab 3 times a week and working  really hard.   I was the only woman in the class with 19 men!   And you know what, that didn't bother me at all! :)   We are all there on a mission, to get healthy.

I work out now 45 -60 minutes each time I go.  I work on the treadmill, recumbant bike, nu step machine and rowing machine as well as lift weights.   This journey has been amazing as I watch my blood pressure and blood sugars drop as the result of all the exercise and lifestyle changes I've made.

I've lost 30 lbs since the beginning of October and am now OFF my type 2 diabetes medications!   I am beyond thrilled at this turn of events.     I'll graduate from cardiac rehab in mid April and will then work out at the gym at work.  They have identical machines to the ones I'm working on, so I'm really excited about this.

I still want to have the surgery, though now I'm leaning more towards the band.   I have a few more months to make up  my mind, so I'll see where it takes me.

The artery blockage has proven to be a blessing in disguise for me and has forced me to change my lifestyle more than anything else ever has.



About Me
Sep 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 17
Quiet Thoughts As I Remember This Past Week
A Major Setback...and I am One Grateful Woman
Down 13!
Down 7
