A few things have been bothering me.

Jul 21, 2010

So Ive lost all this weight and Ive noticed that people are treating me so different. Why should it matter if I weigh 306 lbs or 199. I just don't get it. I feel the same. I act the same, or maybe I think I haven't changed and I have. But so many people have come up to me that I don't even know to talk to me.Would losing this weight make it easier to talk to me or be nice to me? I even notice it at my place of work. UGH...I just don't understand. This just really bothers me. Why should the amount you weigh determine how people treat you????????????? Any comments on this topic??

5months out and down 106lbs.

Jul 20, 2010

I feel amazing


Jul 15, 2010


100 lbs gone

Jul 05, 2010

So this morning I got on the scale and it told me I've lost 100 lbs. I cant gt over it

SIZE 18 Baby!!!!!

Apr 12, 2010

So today I am waring a regular size 18 OMG and XL top!!! I cant believe it. I have not been at this size in years.

I am going to do a 5k  May 8th with my husband and my son. I am so excited. I'm not sure how well I will do.  I will post pictures. 

Just had to announce that I'm in a 18 (LOL)

60 lbs gone FOREVER

Apr 08, 2010

I've lost 60 lbs from my highest weight.

1 comment

One more pound

Apr 06, 2010

So I weighed myself today and I lost 2 lbs making is a total loss of 59lbs. Just one more pound and I will have lost 60 pounds. I cant believe it!! I just does not seem real to me. I'm scared the weight will start to pack back on like in the past. I just continue to try my hardest to stick to the diet plan, and pray I never see the 306 on the scale again.

As soon as my drain was removed and oxygen I started walking 40min+ a day. Now I feel like I need something more. I started back at the gym this week. I'm so tired. One thing is that 59 pounds lighter exercising is a lot easier and comfortable. I hope this will help my weight loss to continue strong. OMG....so Im thinking about waring a tank top and shorts to the gym. I'm a bit nervous, I've never done that before. So ill have to see how I feel. YIKES!!

I will be attending a support group April 12th. I'm so excited about this. I think it will be so encouraging and motivating to see others going through the same thing.  I cant wait.



Apr 01, 2010

So I haven't updated in awhile, even though I'm on here daily lurking around. Surgery went well, I came home on oxygen for about 5 days. This was such a pain in my a** along with the drain. As soon as the drain was removed all of my discomforts disappeared.

I'm down as of today 57lbs from my highest weight of 306. IM SO HAPPY!! I can tell the difference as well as everyone around me. I think you can tell the most in my face. I have so much energy, and many of the pains I had when I weighed 306 have left. I sleep better than ever also. Ive never lost this amount of weight in my life. Back in my mind I'm scared it will all start to creep back on like all the other times I've lost weight.

I don't dump. Thank goodness! I try very hard to follow my doctors food guidelines. I'm getting a little bored with eating just protein all the time. I do miss carbs. I've been searching on the Internet for meal ideas to  put together a cook book. I'm willing to try anything to spice up my menu choices. I cook more now than I've ever done.lol

I had my six week follow up with the Nurse Practitioner. She was very pleased with my progression. She said that on average most people loss 18-25lbs at about 6 weeks out, and I had lost 41lbs. I was so happy to hear this from her.



6 days away from surgery

Jan 28, 2010

I'm six days away from surgery today. I'm getting so nervous. I'm all packed. I just need to finish packing the kiddos and the hubby. I bought almost all the supplies I will need when I come home, and for the three days of clears prior to surgery. I cant believe how fast the surgery has crept up on me. I thought a year would be so long, and now look I'm about to have surgery in six days. OMGosh!!!

Last night I was second guessing my decision. I spoke with a dear friend of mine from OH who really helped me. Thank you Jeanne!! I'm just nervous about leaving my husband and 2 small children. BUT if I do not have surgery I am still facing the same issue, it would just be a matter of time.

I cant wait to loss this weight and begin living the life I've been missing out on. I'm so embarrassed to have allowed my weight to get out of control. Now I have this wonderful opportunity to take control of my health. This is so exciting.!! I will feel more confident in myself. I will be a better mother and wife for my family. I want to set a better example for my children. I do not want them to have to face the same problems with weight as I have. 

So I had my Dr. consult a few weeks ago.Dr Chea is so nice and understanding. I had this long list of questions and he sat there patiently and answered all of them. Dr chae asked me what I wanted to weigh. I told him that my dream weight would be 150lbs. He then proceeded to say that I was to tall and that under 200 would be a good weight range. I've weighted 180 and still felt over weight. 180lbs is alot better than 300. So we will see. I do not want to be at a weight that I have to struggle to stay at. So if 180 is the my natural body weight, SO BE IT. I would take 180 over 300 anytime.

This week I just completed my diet class. I pray I don't forget something or mess something up. It was a little overwhelming. Thank God for this website. I know if I have question of concerns I can turn to OH.



My New Year's Resolution.

Dec 30, 2009

For so long I've not made any new year's resolution, but this year is going to be different in so many ways. My life is going to change, Im going to change
Posting my new year's Resolution here will make make if feel more offical.

Here is a list of my new year's resolution for 2010:

1) To have WLS 02/02/10
2) Save
3) To lose 100+ lbs this year
4) To gain more confidence in myself
5) To live a healthier life style for myself and my family
6) To grow closer to God
7) To work out 3-5 times a week.
8) To focus on ME...
9) To discover myself all over again

Happy New Year!!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 21, 2009
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 13
