As a youth in high school as was very active in many sports from pole vaulting, tennis, and being in gymnastics.  It was not so long ago that I could ski down a slope.   But as the years passed by my weight did increase slowly and surely.   Now having had some of my friends pass on recently was a wake up call.    In the year 2003 I was on vacation visiting my wife's country of Chile.
    I thought I would go to see a doctor in Chile and get a second opinion  about my health.   After several test I was told that I had syndrome X which is borderline diabetes, and the doctor gave me 5 years to live and that was in 2003.   Well, I have passed that 5 year mark and now I see that I need to change.   
    I have a friend that I saw and she hadl lost allot of weight.  I asked her how she did it and at  first she really did not say how she lost the weight, but later she told me she had bariatric surgery.   And I had another friend I was talking to about having this surgery none and he told me he had the surgery none about 15 years ago.   I did not know this and he looked really fit and not over weight.  When I made up my mind about having the surgery, I started the process that you have to do to be approved.  And I was approved May 6, 2009 and my surgery date is July 20, 2009.   My friend told me to go for it, the outcome will change your life.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2009
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