Down another size

Dec 28, 2009

This is slow but in the end it will be worth it. I am down between 186-183 but can wear a size 12. I am happy that I'm no longer a 18-20! I have decided to run a marathon. I have always dreamed of it and its time to stop waiting and start doing. My husband is going to run with me.Love that man.

What the heck!

Aug 20, 2009

That is my baby girls favorite saying! "What the heck!" What am I doing????? I spend all this money and for what. I still eat like crap and I'm going nowhere. I started at 215 and today weighed 189. I know that is quite a bit but I can't help but feel that I will never be thin and healthy. I'm in a size 14 and have been here for months. The scale goes up to 195 and then down and then up and then down. When will it ever end???


Nov 09, 2008

Well I am down 10 lbs in 13days which at first I was disappointed. But once I really thought about it when was the last time I lost 10lbs in 13 days. I have been doing extremely well with no pain the last few days. I finally was straving in the middle of the night and drank some protein shake. I woke up straving and again had more protein shake - I think about 4 oz.
I am extremely excited for how well I feel. I am ready to move on and want to prove to myself that spending $10,000 out of pocket was well worth it. It will be worth it if I get my life back.


Nov 06, 2008

I am doing great! Had my surgery on Wednesday. Very minimal pain which has made me very happy. I am sooooooo excited to begin this journey. My family is very excited for me. My mom and brother had a ton of questions for me when I got home last night. My youngest son Rowdy thought I was going to come home skinny. He is only 8 and so sweet. Was a little disappointed that it was going to take a while for the weight to come off but still excited for me. My boys love to play all the time and I can't wait to join the fun.


Nov 02, 2008

I leave in 2 days for CO to get my lap band on Wednesday. I have been doing great on my high-protein low-carb diet. Since last Tuesday I have lost 8 lbs! How come when I have to stick to a diet I can???? How many diets have I done that only last a couple of days??? Oh well-like I told my husband I really will not do anything wrong right now because I want and need my surgery. I am so excited to have this tool to help me with my WL.

Sundays are always hard days for me. My mom and I cry alot for my dad on this day. I told her he is near her. Where else would he be? He loved her so much and I can't imagine him being anywhere else. I still can't believe he isn't coming back. Bubba-Rae misses you so much. She talks about you every day.
I hope you will be proud of the decision I have made to be healthy. I love you Dad!! Always and Forever!


Oct 29, 2008

Well, it is time to get back on track. I have been eating everything in site and it's time to stop. I started my high protein low carb diet on Tuesday and it is going very well. I can't wait to get this all over with and get on with my life. I am so excited about all the changes that are headed my way. I have been very grouchy though. I wonder if it is my nerves. My poor family. I hope that with the weight coming off I can have more control over my moods.


Oct 20, 2008

I leave for my surgery 2 weeks from tomorrow. I can't wait to lose this weight. My husband is excited. My kids are excited. It is going to change our life for the better. I am not nervous at all. I know that all will be well and what a great new life I will have.  To run and play basketball or football with my boys is my number 1 goal. We can't wait!!!!


Oct 09, 2008

I am doing fairly well - I am down 3lbs just cutting out cokes. I am down to 1 a day which is amazing because I use to drink them all day long. I have also done well with my eating this week. Looking forward to wearing smaller clothes and running with my boys. We have a very rowdy household and my husband and sons are always throwing a football or shooting baskets or wrestling upstairs in the wrestling room. I can't wait to join in the fun for longer than about 10 minutes. Life is looking good!

Great Day!

Oct 07, 2008

I have had a great day! I am so happy to have all these people around me that are so supportive. I am doing good with cutting out my cokes. It's so shocking that I am actually doing something to help myself. I am doing alot better than I have in months. I still really miss my dad. I can't believe he gone. He left us so fast with no warning that anything was wrong. It's almost too much to take at times. But I know that he would want me to go on living. And I will. That's why I have finally decided to go through with my surgery.



Oct 06, 2008">>

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Sep 19, 2008
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