I guess the operative word is PATIENCE!

Jun 25, 2012

I've never had much patience for anything, I like to see results quickly and this is no different. So far I've lost 18 lbs since surgery. Or course I'd like to be done with all this already! I know that's not practical but that's beside the point. It's frustrating because I can't exercise yet per doctor's orders. If I could exercice... I think the wt would come off faster, something to look forward to I guess. I feel tired most of the time but doing really good otherwise. I can only eat about 4 to 6 oz at a time so I know the wt will come off in good time. My grandson's are here from California so they are keeping me busy and my mind off food. On the other hand I have to feed them and making food for family is the hard part. I am doing good though... and getting through it. I just wish it came off faster! 

