Day 5

May 07, 2016

It seems weird to say that, Day 5.  Time is just flying by, especially since you (I) wanted nothing more than the last 6 months to fly by and that they did.

Got in my 90g protein yesterday, the last 10 grams were pretty hard but I got it done.  Water intake was at 48 oz so I am very happy with that. 

I believe my incision sites must be healing because they are in that buring, pulling itching all around annoying phase. I have 5 incision sites.  Four are uncovered and I count a total of 18 staples in those all toghether.  The fifth site, the larger one that they actually removed the stomach thru is still bandaged and covered.

My stomach is still oddly shaped but I am passing MUCHO GASSO....thank god I'm in my own home and not working, lol.

I am a side sleeper and with all that's happened to my stomach I just can't get on my side yet so the sleeping in uncorfortable to me on my back.  I'm thinking  maybe anywhere from 3-7 days I could possibly  be on my side again and look forward to 8hrs of full sleep!

My first doctor appointment is on Tuesday so all is going well so far and pray it continues.

It is HAPPY NURSING WEEK and I must say I had the best Doctors, Nurses, CNA's, Lab Techs, Xray and MRI techs, volunteers etc. at my hospital and would love to say thank you to you all.  You made my stay that much better and I appreciate everthing you did for me. The scary times with the A-fib were'nt half as scary knowing I had such a capable staff at my disposal.  You all Rock!! Also a special thanks to Leslie and the staff at my doctors office for the help in getting this all acomplished.


Last but not least to my husband and my daughters for all your love and support XOXO




About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2015
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