Blessed to be at goal...

Jan 06, 2009

Well, it's been a while since I posted so here goes.  It's actually 10 months since surgery.  Around Month 9 I hit my personal goal of 205 which meant a total weight loss of 115 pounds from the time I stepped foot in my surgeon's office.  It has been a crazy ride so far but most of it has been good.  I have definitely been blessed throughout this journey and I know God has given me a good shot at a second chance in life.

I'm 100+ pounds lighter, I am WAY more active, currently have no medical problems and I don't foresee any problems coming up if I can help it.  I have been running on the treadmill and that is a huge feat for me.  I'm buying clothes at regular stores now which also means I can get stuff on sale.  No more spending exorbitant amounts of money at Casual Male on my 3XL shirts or my size 48 pants and shorts.  Of course that now means I spend way too much time at the mall looking at all the clothes I can finally fit in to without having to suck in my stomach or use pliers to pull the zipper

Getting through the holidays wasn't easy.  I have to admit I slipped off the wagon a bunch of times.  Having fresh baked cookies just spread out on the kitchen counter was not easy to resist.  I ate way more of the stuff than I care to admit but I made it through by keeping up with my exercise and not going too far overboard.  After the past month I've only dropped 1 pound but I actually lost an inch around my waist and one around my hips so I'm happy!


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 20, 2006
Member Since

Friends 59

Latest Blog 15
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One Day Left
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Approval Has Cometh!
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