Happy 2013

Jan 03, 2013

Hi ,  It has been so long since I have been on this site and wrote anything on my profile.  I call myself a writer but my writing has been on hold for several years .  My family has kept me on a run for a couple years both financially and emotionally.  My husband has been in and out of hospitals with good and bad health.  I am happy to say at this time we seem to be on an upscale and he is doing better.  My daughters are doing well and their families seem to have settled into happy routines.   NOW ....I am ready to work on myself.  I have been healthy to a point but not on my regiment like I should have .. I have gained about 40 pounds back from the 100 I lost.  I am not drinking my water like I should nor am I keeping up with my Vitamin B-12.    I have just forgot how important I am to me. 

The good news  !   I have remembered ME !  I am working on my B-12 by taking injections at my doctors office.  I haven't had problems with my sugar nor my blood pressure even though, those are two of my pre-surgery problems.  I am happy to say that even though I have gained some of my weight, I am still able to walk a good distance and am going to start doing that with more motivation than I have had.  I have been working on my eating habits again and setting my standards back into place.  My blood work has been good other than the couple things I mentioned so I know I have caught all this in time to turn it around. 

I still have times that I eat to quick or too much of something and it throws me into that "ill feeling, sweaty , gonna throw up" feeling I had after my by pass .  This must sound silly but lately, I welcomed that feeling because I knew that I could still turn all this around .  I would love to know a little more about how people have changed back after a relapse of weight !.  I think I will just do my protein and my water and my exercise and vitamins.  I wonder if that will turn my little tummy back on the right way.  I loved the first 6 months after my surgery.  I was dropping weight and not hungry and little bits satisfied me.  Somewhere in all the chaos of my life, I got away from it and gained some weight.

I do want to say at this point that I am not sad nor regret my bypass surgery.  It still has been the best thing I ever did for me.  Even though I have gained some of it back, I know I can get it back off.  I just have to pay attention.  I also know that I would not be here or either I would be here but in back physical condition if I had not made the decision to have the surgery.  It changed my life and even with the pounds I have back, I cherish every minute of my life because I was doomed to be ill if I hadn't taken this step.  I have a lot still I want to do.  I am 58 and have 9 children and 1 that has adopted me as her Mama !  I have 22 grandchildren and 1 great-grand child.  My husband is a 73 year old disabled Vietnam Veteran.  We are both each others' second marriage and we have been together 30 years.  We are a great couple that are best friends. 

I welcome each person that is thinking of this bypass surgery, to ask questions and keep looking at yourself.  It isn't an easy answer but it is a great result.  There are so many advantages to being healthy.  I never expected to look like a model.  I thought my looks would be important.  No one wants to be ashamed of the way they look. I was realistic about changing my weight at my age.  Looks are only a shallow part of this.   The point is to FEEL great !  That makes you look great !  Good luck to all and have a HAPPY 2013 !



About Me
Panama City, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 24, 2004
Member Since

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