Summer gets me down

Aug 09, 2007

I live in the deep south where summers are brutal.  The temperatures are in the upper 90's and the humidity is always high.  I can't stand to be outside in the heat for very long before I feel like passing out.  This is something I hope I will be able to tolerate better once I am a more normal weight.  I doubt it but I can hope.  Only two more months of this heat then October which is a beautiful month here.  Our winters are so mild and it doesn't get too cold which I enjoy.  It gets cool enough for long sleeves and jackets but rarely do you have to drag out the heavy coat.  Just needed to vent.


Will November ever get here?

Jul 15, 2007

Time flies when you're having fun...NOT.  It seems like I have been on this six month diet for freaking ever.  I am ready to make that last appointment and finally see the surgeon and set a date.  But that's months away.  Four long months.  I know it will be here before I know it, but it sure seems like an awful long ways from now.  Susan (Avensong) got her date.  August 27th.  She timed it around Labor Day to minimize time away from work.  I am happy for her and yet jealous at the same time.  At least by her going before me, I will know more of what to expect.  I can ask her all those millions of questions I have rolling around in my head.  It's late and I need sleep.

Still losing on Alli

Jul 07, 2007


Two months down...five to go

Jun 25, 2007

Well, today I had my second qualifying appt with Dr. Kirkland.  Turns out I lost five lbs since my last appt with her so she was pleased.  The way I figure, I can lose up to 23 lbs and still qualify for my surgery.  She started me on Vesicare for incontinence (chalk up another co-morbid) today.  I hope it helps.  I have been on Alli for ten days now and so far not too bad on the side effects.

About Me
Daphne, AL
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2003
Member Since

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Friends 56

Latest Blog 14
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am someone's Angel! Plus update on my journey
Insurance determination tomorrow!!!!
Attended seminar
Consultation went well
Date for consultation set
November is almost here!
