4 year Anniversary

Feb 14, 2012

Been 4 years since my surgery and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Wish I could have did it years ago. But medical would not approve it.
I have lost 157 pounds and I will never be skinny but I just wanted to be healthier not skinny.

One Year Anniversary

Feb 12, 2009

Today is my one year anniversary of my surgery and all I can say is this was the best thing I ever did for myself and wish I had done it years ago... I feel wonderful. We have recently moved out of California and moved to Oklahoma. So we are starting a new life with my new gained health.... Hugs

Happy New Year

Jan 07, 2009

Hope you all have wonderful holidays..

We had an exciting time.. We decided to relocate from California to Oklahoma and we did it 3 days before Christmas... Exciting and tired. (smile)

My weight seemed to be stuck I had lost like 96 pounds and I was stuck there.. But since moving 2 weeks ago I have lost 12 pounds so that is exciting and finally I went over the hundred pound mark...  Woo hoo..

I feel so so much better and would for sure do this all over again in a heartbeat just wish I had done it sooner.

I pray you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years..

Talk with you soon.................Hugs

1 comment

6 month checkup

Aug 14, 2008

I saw Dr Suh today for my 6 month also saw Dr Provancha from Kaiser today for my 6 month blood workup results etc.

Dr. Provancha was really proud of all that I have done and said I am doing awesome. He also started me back on my B12 injections.. Woo hoo I will have energy soon. Ha..

Dr. Suh said I was not eatting enough I thought that was funny never had a Dr. say I did not eat enough before.....
So this journey has something new all the time for sure. My weight loss has been stuck this month but with the stress of Michael's surgery and all that has been going on. Things have been hectic. Also my knee is killing me so have not been able to get much walking or exercise in this month. I see the Ortho Dr the 27th for my Cortisone injection in my knee so hopefully I can get back on track very soon. My hubby returns to work on Monday too so that will also help.
But all in all this has been awesome and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

5 months out

Jul 14, 2008

Well I am over 5 months out now and have 15 more pounds to hit my first goal of 100 pounds. This has been a wonderful journey and I am looking forward to the next few months to see what will happen. I feel so much better and we have been hitting the amusement parks and I can ride the rides again with no issues. WOO HOO for me.. Hope all is well with all my OH friends. God Bless..

Music Player

May 14, 2008

3 Month Checkup

May 13, 2008

Just got back from my 3 month check up with Dr Suh he said I am doing good and just keep on doing all I am doing now. He also said I could add Pork and Beef next month. So all is good. I feel so much better.

1 month checkup

Mar 13, 2008

Just returned from my one month checkup Dr Suh was pleased with how well I was doing and said I can eat anything now basically except for Pork, Beef and Grapes. I said I can have salad now he said yes. I said woo hoo man I have missed my salads... (smile)
I thought I had not done to well the past 28 days only losing 15 pounds but he said that was very good. Said I am on track and hang in there soon it will come off even faster. I said can hardly wait.  I have had no issues at all since the surgery nothing has made me ill that I have tried to eat. So that is good. Hopefully by the 3rd month checkup I will have lost at least 30 pounds...


Feb 18, 2008

I am home from the hospital and feeling pretty good actually. I will feel better once the staples are all removed. But all in all no problems have done great since day one of the surgery. Woo hoo..

Tomorrow is the big day

Feb 12, 2008

I can hardly wait tomorrow I will finally have my surgery also having my gallbladder removed at the same time. I am so excited this has been a long process but oh so worth it. I know only good things are ahead for me and for my husband and son.

About Me
Alva, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 10
6 month checkup
5 months out
Music Player
3 Month Checkup
1 month checkup
Tomorrow is the big day
