My weightloss ticker

Feb 17, 2008

How do I put my ticker on this page?">">>

5 days post op

Feb 03, 2008

Well I am home.  I got out of the hospital on Friday.  Penrose hosptial in Colorado Springs, CO and Dr. Fisher from Colorado Surgical Associates are the best!  My nurse Megan during the day and Sarah in the evenings were just wonderful.  I think they spoiled me.  I was always asked if I was comfortable and if I needed anything.  I can't complain at all.  

I am still sore, and having little weird things here and there that I need to ask about tomorrow when I call my doctor.  Most of all I would have to say it is going well.  Don't like the meals I am eating, but I know it's for a reason.  My husband has been doing what ever he can to make it better for me.  From running to the store to make sure I have something to drink to getting me variety in my meals.  Have emotional moments out of the blue, usually when I have gone to long without my medication.  I have pain when I drink.  It hurts as it goes into my pouch.  I don't know if I am drinking to much or to quick but that is one of the questions I have for tomorrow.  

Looking forward to getting these bandages off especially the drain.  That one I think will be a while.  Well, that is it for now.

The Date!!

Jan 28, 2008

I am soo excited.  Only 10 more days!

3 More days

Jan 26, 2008

Well it's getting closer.  I am wondering how this is all going to go.  I have my pre-op on Monday and surgery on Tuesday.  I feel funny because I really don't know what I should be doing as far as a diet.  I called a couple of times and I was told no diet.  I did quit the caffeine and the soda's about 2 weeks ago.  That was hard.  For the last oh I would say 24 years I would have 2 cups of coffee in the morning at the minimum.  The headaches were not fun, but I am done with them.  The soda wasn't hard because I was never a real soda drinker.  I had developed a problem with my heel about 2 weeks ago and my PCP said that it was the tendons.  Let me tell you it has gotten so bad I was wearing a slipper on my left foot.  I felt funny going to the salon today with one shoe and one slipper, but it is really helping.  The pain is almost gone.  My PCP thinks it will go away after I lose some weight.  

3 more days and it is my big day.  When I think about it I am scared.  I have these terrible thoughts of not making it through the surgery or something going wrong after the surgery.  My husband has been a great help in keeping me calm.  I am just not trying to think of it.

About Me
Colorado Springs, CO
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 4
My weightloss ticker
5 days post op
The Date!!
3 More days
