Hello all,
I have been researching Gastric surgery for years . Yesterday, July 15, I met with Drs. in Charlotte, NC at the Carloinas Medical Center.  I went to see another Dr about having surgery to fix my bad Reflux. As the Dr was explaining how the surgery worked he told me I was a good canditate for Gastric Bypass and this would take my Reflux away plus other issures I am have. I am at least 100 lbs overweight.  I am 55, female, 5'3,,,,,,,,with Fibromylgia, sleep apnea, etc.
  After talking to this Dr he sent for the one who does the Gastric surgery to come talk to me , my husband and daughter.
I never in a million years thougth I would be able to even afford to have this surgery, but both Drs. believe it will take care of my Reflux so insurance will pay for it.
  I have researched all day long and get postive and negitave comments.
I am scared, yet wonder if this is the answer to my prayers!   I have been on every diet in the world, spend tons of money on diet pills, gym memberships, Weight Watchers, etc.
   I would love to talk with anyone who might help me, or answer questions.  I don't want to rush into anything but do want to know this can be done without Killing Me.  My son in law is a pharmacist, (last year in school) and told my daughter that I would be dead in a year if I had this surgery done.  My family does not believe I can stick to the diet and make a life time change in my eating habits.  I am southern and have always cooked large meals and love to eat.
But I also stay at home , depressed because of how I look, etc.  Never thought I would be this heavy in my life!
  Will try to post picture and look foward to talking to you.
Thank you,


About Me
Inman, SC
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2010
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