Nov 12, 2006

I have been overweight for most of my life, I was a very overweight little girl and teenager, at school I was teased, so in order to get through everything and get the attention I needed, I became a bully. I look back on that now with such regret, but it was the only way, or so I thought, I would get attention. I got attention, believe me, but not in a nice way, I was constantly in the principals office and my parents were constantly there with me, and where most kids make it onto the Principals Honor Roll, I made it onto the Principals DIS-HONOR ROLL!!!Needless to say, punishment was my middle name. I also think the fact that I went to an all girls school didn't help. My parents split up when I was 15, and I think that caused me to eat more to comfort myself. I left high school at the age of 16 (which was very common back then), and went into the work field. Surprisingly enough, I started to lose weight, I guess it was "baby fat" that I had lost, but whatever it was called, I liked it. I continued to stay slim for a few years, but food was still my best friend and I used it instead of enjoying it. Although at the time, I guess I enjoyed it too. I went on many diets as a teen, you name it, I did it, I even practiced a little bulimia by using laxatives, but not for very long. My obsession with losing weight became my life and I couldn't let go of it.  I had many jobs over the years thinking that it would make my life change and my weight change, but it didn't. I am originally from London, England, and back in 1984, I was told about a guy, by the name of Steve, from Cleveland, Ohio from an aunt of mine (my mother's sister who is since deceased and who lived in Cleveland, and was friendly with his mother), she wanted to fix me up. Even though I was in a relationship with someone else, (a very unhappy one at that),  I thought, what the hell, it can only get better from here. So, our pen pal correspondense began, and lasted for almost 2 years. In the summer of 1986, I decided to take a trip to Cleveland, to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins, and to meet Steven. (I was then a size 6 by the way). We met on the 3rd day of my visit, and it was pretty much love at first sight. We spent practically the entire 3 weeks I was there, together,  he then came to London a couple months later, I went back to Cleveland a couple months after that (which is when we got engaged), and eventually, I moved to Cleveland for good in March, 1987. We were married 3 months later. I was still keeping the weight off, although on my honeymoon, I gained about 10lbs. I still stayed at around a size 6-8 in clothing. Six months later, January, 1988,  I became pregnant with my first born, I used the excuse of being pregnant and the eating for 2 syndrom had me gain 85lb  (he weighed 12lb at birth) and that was the real start of my weight gaining years. My 2nd child, a girl, came along in April, 1992, and I had gained 47lb with her. Over the years, the weight kept creeping up, I went on every diet imaginable, from weight watchers to diet pills, yes I would lose, but typically put it all back on, plus some. It was yo-yo dieting for me for many many years. 

We moved from Cleveland to Florida in February, 1998 to be closer to my inlaws (who are now both deceased and I miss them terribly, I was very close to them).

I used to read about weightloss surgery, and even met people who had it done, but at that time it wasn't for me, I thought how dangerous it was, and besides, I could never imagine giving up all the yummy foods I loved, I just wasn't ready. Until the summer of 2005 when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I was warned over the years about how I could have a heart attack, or get diabetes as my father has it, but that still didnt stop me from eating large quantities and bingeing. But for some reason, being diagnosed with sleep apnea and having to wear a face mask that made me look like Hannibal Lechter, made me hit rock bottom.

I went to a Bariatric Weightloss seminar to learn more about the surgery and was convinced that it was for me. I guess I was just ready to change my life. So here's what happened.........

I am pre-op for surgery on dec. 16th. I was originally going for the banding,  but have since changed my mind to have LAP RNY instead as I feel it will work better for me in the long run. I know I have made the right choice, and although I am very nervous and anxious about the surgery and the days to follow, I know that I have made the right choice.

I have my behaviour class set for Nov. 14th and a day of other stuff, bloodwork etc. on Nov. 22nd and meet with my doctor also. I will also attend my first support group that night.

NOVEMBER 22ND 2005. Went for my gallbladder ultrasound this morning, it went well and was clear. At 11.00am I met with my doctor, Dr. Marema for the 1st
time and was VERY impressed with him. He has a great personality and I have lots of faith in him. I weighed in at 229 with a BMI of 41. I then had 3 hours to kill before my nutrition class so went and did some retail therapy at a
nearby mall!!! 3pm was my nutrition class, wasn't that informative and it felt very rushed as did the info. on excersise. I attended my first support group meeting and felt so comfortable being with people both pre and post op.

NOVEMBER 30TH, 2005 Went to my PCP today for surgery clearance and passed! She was very supportive. I also want to mention that I have a lot of good support from my family and friends, especially from my adorable husband, I have driven him crazy over the years with all my weight issues, dieting, losing, gaining and then gaining even more, he has the patience of a saint, but he is my rock and has been there for me thick or thin (excuse the pun).I also have my best friend (besides my husband), Carolyn, and her support also means a lot to me. She has never had a weight problem, is a size 2 and is my shopping buddy. I have NEVER felt intimidated by her small size as she has never made me feel that way, she is the best friend I have ever had. Carolyn, if u ever read this you know that this is true.  I also have another good childhood friend from my hometown of London, UK, Barbra, we speak every day online and she has also been a great support to me. Another wonderful and caring friend of mind is Alison, she has also been very supportive of my decision. THANK U SO MUCH TO MY 3 GOOD FRIENDS AND OF COURSE MY FAMILY FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I am 2 weeks away from surgery and getting very anxious and excited.

DECEMBER 7TH and just 9 days away from surgery. I started my pre-op diet on sunday, wasnt easy at first, but not too bad now. I have a protein shake with fruit for breakfast (but do sneak a coffee in to wake me up), then mid morning is a protein shake, lunch yogurt and fruit, mid afternoon a choice of snacks, dinner 4oz protein, veggie and whole grain starch, then evening snack is fruit
and protein drink. Its actually not too bad now and i will stick to it for the sake of my surgery. I am planning a night out this saturday so i may have a little more than on the plan, I cant wait to finish work next week for 4 weeks,
my job is getting harder and harder, teaching 3 year olds is just getting to me now, have no patience for them. Anyway, will keep u updated next week.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 11TH 2005. Just 5 days away from the big day, still doing my pre-op diet except for a couple of days over the weekend of not really sticking to it, but otherwise doing ok. Trying not to stress out too much, but still feeling anxious and excited about my new life to be.

THURSDAY DECEMBER 15TH The big day is tomorrow, I am both very excited and a little anxious, but I know that I am the best hands. I have been a very good girl with the food today and didnt have my "last meal", just ate sensibly and followed doctor's orders. I will be back online soon with all my post op news. Toodles for now.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 2005. Well I did it, had the surgery on friday and everything went well, a very uneventful surgery. The whole day was awful though, I was scheduled for 9.30am, so had to be at hospital at 5.30 for prep. I was number 2 on the waiting list as there was an emergency so the doctor had to operate on that one first. Then number one went after that, then there was this guy in the next bed to me in the holding area who was number 3, but because he was a friend of the anastesiologist, he got to go ahead of me and whatsmore, his surgery took 4 hours, so it was 6pm by the time I went in. I waited 12 hours, it was the worst wait I had ever done, I felt so sorry for my husband having to sit all those hours, but as you can imagine, I was totally stressed and had to get something to relax me a couple times. The hospital then insulted us by giving us a "little goodie", a Target gift card for $15.00. What an insult. Anyway, as I said the surgery went gr8, no complications. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days, today is my 3rd day post op and I started on the pureed foods, not too bad right now. The pain is awful though, just on the left side where my G-tube is and it isn't coming out until Jan. 3rd - a full 2 weeks. I will give an update after that day, as I will be seeing the doctor also.

DECEMBER 30TH, 2005. I am 2 weeks post op today and it hasn't been such a joyful 2 weeks. I got an infection in my main incision last week, went to the doctor and he squeezed out all the ooze and it was no day at the beach!!! Since then my husband has been changing the dressing for me until it heals which hopefully should be in a couple weeks and no more, but who knows. I was lucky
enough though to have my g-tube removed today and that is one big relief. I started eating soft foods today and lunch took me 45 mins to digest. Before surgery, i could have eaten 4 meals in 45 mins!!! I am still not 100% but
believe in time things will get better. Meanwhile I am 17lb down so thats a good thing.

JANUARY 5TH 2005. I went for my 2 week post op doctors visit today and found that I have the thrush in my mouth which they said, could be why i have been feeling so naucious all the time, so got some more meds and hopefully it will go VERY SOON, but I am down 20lb which is gr8, not actually since the surgery but since my preop visit in november. I think i might have lost 8 since the
surgery. Found a gr8 store today. The website has a showroom here in south florida, so I went there today and was able to taste all the protein shakes to see what I would like which was a gr8 way of doing things as the Unjury shakes that i've been drinking are totally horrible. Anyway, not much more to report right now so I will return soon.

JANUARY 17TH, 2006. Today i went for my 1 month post op visit and have lost 30lb since the surgery, (8 since my last visit 2 weeks ago). The doctor was pleased with my progress as am I right now, however, I still need to see it when i look in the mirror, my head is still giving me negative signals, but i'm hoping that very soon it will change.

JANUARY 23rd, 2006. I went back to work today, I am a preschool teacher in the 3's class, but decided that this week I would only work until 1pm. It was a very tiring day and I really didnt feel I was back, i was kind of walking
around in a fog.

JANUARY 24TH, 2006. I went to my 2nd group support meeting this evening, it was good to be there, but the topic was kind of boring. It felt so good though to be with people in the same situation as me.

FEBRUARY 1ST, 2006. I have been back at work for just over a week now, but am back full time until 3pm. It is still very tiring, I wish I had my energy back, but still don't feel 100% yet. I am only 6 and a half weeks post op, I guess I
need to be patient, but I have lost 37lbs so far. I walk every morning at 5.45 am before work, and even went to the gym 3 times this week (since saturday that is), and actually found the workout not too bad. Many people are complimenting me, and it feels so strange, I am not used to it and say thank you to them. I just want to see what they see, but my head isnt letting me yet. I know I am
doing well though, I get all my protein and liquids in every day and feel good about that, and even taking my 1million vitamins a day doesnt seem to bother me anymore. I am so happy I had this surgery and look forward to the day when I have all my strength back. My clothes in my closet are fitting me much better now and I don't seem to have a problem deciding what to wear each day. Will be back with an update real soon.

MARCH 6TH, 2006. Almost 3 months post op and what a journey it's been so far. I have lost 46lb and feel great, I donated 5 black garbage bags of sizes 18/20's last week and it felt good to be rid of them for good. This time it's for real and I wasn't going to hold onto my "just in case" clothes. I get so impatient some days and want it all to come off now, but I know it has to take time and that I have to take it one day at a time. I still feel tired a lot especially at work, I absolutely hate my job, working with 3 year olds is totally draining me and I cannot wait for the school year to end then I'm out of there. I am very good with my protein and liquids intake and normally get in the daily total I am supposed to get.

APRIL 1, 2006. I havent updated my profile in a while. It's been 3.5 months since my surgery and I feel absolutely GREAT!! I have lost 56lb!! Have gone down to a size 12 pant from an 18/20, the tops are mostly larges, some XL's
depending on the style and fit. The journey for me so far has been amazing, and although it was a rough start, I now have no regrets. I get so many compliments and actually accept them whereas before I found it hard to do so as I couldnt see what others could. I am up every weekday morning at 5.30 to walk a half hour, then on weekends I walk a little later. It feels good to be able to walk at a good pace and not get puffed out.

APRIL 13, 2006. I am down 58lbs, and a size 12 from an 18/20 and it feels absolutely great. BUT, I have been having a hard time lately grieving the food. I guess its because right now it's Passover, a Jewish holiday which I observe. In the past I would bake up a storm and of course eat the storm, the pantry is full of yummy goodies right now for the rest of my family. Last night I was faced with a large cookie tray after dinner (went to family), and although I was very full from my 3oz of beef (which I couldnt keep down), the desire to eat a cookie was still in me, I didnt touch it of course, knowing that if I did it would be the end for me. I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK TO WHERE I CAME FROM, but at the same time I will never forget where I came from either, if that makes sense. I am telling myself that this is just another holiday and it will pass, as will my cravings, the one thing I am proud of is that I don't give in to the stuff anymore. Even though this surgery isn't a magic potion, it is certainly a tool that helps me get through it all, not to mention all the money that went into it!!

JUNE 1, 2006. WOW I didnt realize as to how long it's been since I last updated my profile, so here I am on the first day of hurricane season here in sunny florida. I am down 70lb and feel absolutely wonderful, although I am at a stage now where I know I am at a danger point. They say that the first 6 months is the "honeymoon stage", but I am so aware of it thankfully, that I know I have to carry on the way I am, and as I mentioned in my April update, I do not intend to blow all of this. I have come to far in such little time. I am currently wearing anywhere between a size 8 - 12, depending on what it is and where it's from. But it's such a great feeling to be able to shop pretty much
anywhere I want and not feel that the sales people are thinking "there's nothing here her size". I pass by Lane Bryant, Avenue and the plus size departments with pride now. I have noticed some excess skin hangin around my my middle right now, but have to persevere with it until I get to a steady goal weight if I decide on any plastic surgery. I walk every morning, and if I have to miss a morning, I feel so guilty. I have also started a water aerobics class 3 times a week which is great and I have a lot of energy for it. I am going to London at the end of this month,(which is where I'm originally from) and my family haven't seen me since I lost all this weight, although I have sent some recent pictures, but I'm eager to see their expressions. Will be back soon to update some more.

AUGUST 17, 2006. WOW! where does the time go, I realize everytime I update this profile, I've missed a couple months in between. My wonderful son graduated and is off to FSU in a few days which I am finding very hard to handle right now. Well I am feeling gr8, I am down 85lbs and wearing sizes 6-10, depending on the style and make etc. I am doing good, exercising as much as I can, however, I still have some head hunger and need to deal with that. I have not cheated once and nor do I intend to, I
never want to go back, but I do want to go forward so I am trying to learn how to do that and not become just a statistic of another WLS person gaining it all back. I have had to deal with some issues lately without the food and I have got through them, my son is leaving for school this weekend, and yes I am very upset about not having him at home, normally I would have turned to my long lost friend, FOOD, but now I can't and wont, sometimes I think I'm hungry after an hour of finishing a meal, but know not to do anything about it, I either drink my water or decaf to curb that feeling, I have also taken up scrapbooking
which is a very theraputic, as well as doing yoga. I gave up my job as a preschool teacher and feel very lucky to be able to stay at home and take care of my house and family. I spent 3 weeks in europe this summer with my hubby, 2 kids and 2 sister in laws. We went to Hungary for a week which was absolutely wonderful, we had a gr8 time there, the food situation was a little hard for me, first of all I had to make sure I ate very bland foods and in europe the foods are not too bland, I also wasnt able to get in my skimmed milk for the week as there wasnt any, those eastern europeans still have to catch up on health, and watching my family indulge in all the yummy looking deserts, and i mean they were unbelievably yummy looking, i did get angry that i couldnt have any, but also realized that i've been there and done that, and i got thru it. I then went onto my home town of London for 2 weeks with the kids (hubby came for 4 days). Stayed with my mother who isn't one of the easiest people to be with for more than 2 days. I had to endure her nagging and negativity without my comfort foods, but again, i got thru it all safely. So there you have it so far. Nothing much more to report right now so I'll be back soon.

NOVEMBER 13, 2006. Time has passed me by again without posting for the last couple months. But I am doing great. I have now lost 100lbs and I can't begin to describe the feeling I have.  I feel healthier than I ever have felt in my life, I have gone from 230lb to 130lb, a size 18-22 to a 4-6. In fact yesterday I went shopping with my BEST FRIEND CAROLYN. We have been shopping buddies for many years, the only difference was up until now, we had to shop in different stores or different departments in the department stores. She is a size 0-4. Yesterday we were able to shop in the same places and even buy the same stuff and in some of it, the same sizes. It was amazing. I know I sound like I'm getting ahead of myself, but I am staying focused every day on what and how I eat, I keep up with my vitamins without fail, and my proteins and liquids. But my life has changed and even my outlook on life itself.

NOVEMBER 26, 2006 I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My son came home for the holiday and it was just great having him here. I got through the holiday dinner with no problem, all I ate was 3oz of turkey with a little green bean casserole, that's it. I made a sugar/fat free pumpkin parfait desert which I got from one of my bariatric magazines, and I had that also. I felt very proud of myself for not indulging, not to say that it wasn't hard, because it was. There were the pies, the sweet potatoes and the corn bread, but I resisted, I chose not to taste any of it for fear of not only being triggered, but I didn't want to have those old feelings of "feeling fat and guilty", those head games that we play so often. My son leaves to go back to school today, and even though he'll be back in 3 weeks for winter break, I am still feeling sad. On a good note though, I got on the scale this morning and I am now 126!!! That's a total weightloss of 104lb. I still have to stay focused and pray for that every day.

DECEMBER 17, 2006. Yesterday was exactly my one year anniversary of my surgery and it felt WONDERFUL! It felt wonderful to be free of how I was a year ago and to be able to tell myself I did it. But now I have to get through everyday remembering where I came from and pray for guidance in moving forward with my new healthy and svelt life. I celebrated last night with my daughter and a couple of her friends at the Y-100 Jingle Ball concert here in Ft. Lauderdale, and it was a blast. I was able to dance the night away and not feel exhausted at all, and apart from the daily hot flashes that I suffer with now, I didn't sweat like I did 2 years ago at the same concert at 230lbs!!!

FEBRUARY 24, 2007. Wow, how time flies when you're having fun. I just got back from my first cruise (since my surgery), been on many before though, on Thursday, Feb 22nd, but this one was different. I was able to actually enjoy myself in my new body and new way of thinking. The food wasn't an issue at all, in fact I stuck to my food plan for the 5 days away. I made sure I had plenty of protein bars with me incase of emergency!! But I didn't indulge in anything that would have been bad for me, I had no desire whatsoever to do it. I enjoying being in a tankini bathing suit, enjoyed having lots of pictures done, and just felt happier, healthier and prettier than ever before. I now look forward to many more vacations in the future as a healthier and better looking slimmer person.

DECEMBER 26TH, 2007. Well, as you can see it's been almost a year since I last posted anything on my story. I have maintained my weight loss for the last year and weigh around 120lb and wear sizes 2 - 4 - 6. Most of all though I am very healthy. I had my 2 year check up at the beginning of this month and Dr. Marema was very happy with my bloodwork results etc. I exersise every day, whether it be walking or going to Curves. I thank g-d every day for this wonderful gift I have been given, this surgery. Without it, who knows where I would be right now. I still keep a before picture in my purse and one of my fridge, it doesn't hurt to be reminded once in a while, and I will never forget where I came from.

JUNE 23RD 2008

I just wanted to add to my story, as it has been 6 months since my last addition. I am still doing amazingly well, yes there are some days when I feel a little hungrier than I should, but I don't give into that hunger, believe me it's not as easy as it was in the beginning, but remembering how unhappy I was before my surgery, always brings me back to reality. I still exersise every day and stay focused on all the good stuff that's in my life. Just recently, I moved from Florida (after living there for 10 years), with my family, to Cleveland, Ohio. It's where we are from originally (except I am also from the UK originally), and it is really wonderful to be back here. I am meeting up with old friends who I haven't seen me in over 10 years and they are amazed by how I look. Life is wonderful, and I intend for it to stay that way. As long as I stay focused, and have a positive attitude, and take it one day at a time, I will stay successful. I feel truly blessed. I also want to mention that I became a vegetarian last November, and feel even more healthier than ever. To all of you who are considering this surgery, it is a life changing experience, and as long as you follow the rules, you will succeed. It is not a cure, it is a tool that we have been given to use wisely.


Wow I can't believe it's been almost 7 months since I last posted anything on my profile. I just celebrated my 3rd re-birthday and still feel great.  My weight now fluctuates between 125 and 130 but that's OK. I am still pretty vigilant with my food choices and have pretty much stuck to the book of rules with both food, drinks and excerising. I am now preparing myself for my long awaited tummy tuck which will be taking place next Wednesday, January 14th at the Cleveland Clinic. I am sooooo excited (along with being nervous - which is to be expected), but focusing on the end result is what is getting me through being anxious. I have waited so many years to get rid of my flabby stomach, even before my RNY, but I now feel I deserve this. It was my 50th birthday present (birthday was this past October) from my husband. He doesn't really want me to have this done but knows how much it means to me. He has been my biggest support system since day one and continues to be so, along with many good friends of mine also. I am so grateful for the good people in my life.

Well that's about all for now, hopefully I will update this profile again soon once I am healed from the TT.

March 7th 2009

I am a little over 7 weeks post TT and feel great, although I still have some swelling which can take a few months to go down and I do have to be careful lifting etc. I am doing good for the most part. The surgery was worth every bit of pain. I also had my muscles tightened.

AUGUST  4TH, 2009

It has been 7 months since my TT and all is well, I am still a little swollen and it still hurts a little to cough, laugh and sneeze. Unfortunately, there is still some loose skin around the tummy area and my Dr will be doing a revision on me in November. He says this can happen and that some patients have more elasticity than others, I happen to be one of those patients, not big deal though. The muscles are good so it's just extra loose skin to be removed. I want perfection as I have come too far not to have that!! Will update after the revision.

Well, moving on with my life just over 3.5 years post RNY and still sticking with the rules of the book.  I made a vow never to go back and I never will! I hope you enjoyed reading my profile and to those of you who are thinking about having gastric bypass, you are definitely making the right decision, not only for yourself but for your loved ones. It's one of the best decisions I ever made for myself.

Also for those who are struggling, please contact me I am always here to help those in need. I am not perfect but I am on track with everything and my heart goes out to all those who need that extra support.

APRIL 2010 (4 years and 4 months post op)

Here's a quick update: On November 4th I had a revision done on my tummy tuck as there was some extra elasticity on my stomach that I wasn't happy with of which my PS told me it could happen in some patients so he re did it at no cost. So far so good!! I also recently became a support group leader, training of which was given through I also started up my own local support group this past January and we meet on the 4th Monday of each month.  Life is just wonderful and I am just so grateful to be able to help others. 

APRIL 2011 (5 years and 4 months post op)

WOW! I can't believe it's been a year since I wrote anything on my profile, so here I am again.  I am still going strong with my program, gained a few pounds back and not sure why, some people tell me it could be menopause related so who knows. I am working on losing them again but I still feel great. Since my tummy tuck revision, some loose skin has crept back around my middle which I am not happy about and not sure what I am going to do about it I am thinking maybe more core exersise is needed, or do I go see another PS for a 2nd opinion. I have posted on a couple forums about it and some people tell me this is very common in WLS people and it can happen over and over, so the question is do I want to put myself through more surgery?  I will post if I decide, but for now I am working on just accepting myself as is. I still follow my program, I eat pretty much the same foods every day and I still haven't touched cookies, cakes, ice cream, chips, fries, white bread or white pasta or alcohol in over 5 years, I do allow myself a slice or 2 of whole wheat bread a week if that, and it's not every week, and on the odd occassion I may have some whole wheat pasta but that's it. Oh and once a year at thanksgiving I make a sugar free sweet potatoe pie and sugar free pumpkin pie, those are my 2 treats a year. I also walk 5-7 days a week and attempt pilates at home at least once a week (I invested in a pilates reformer machine), but walking is my main source of exersise.

Well that's about it for now, if I remember I will keep you updated from time to time.  I hope I can be of help to anyone out there who is struggling.


I know it's been 6 months since my last post, how time flies when you are having fun.  I have since been to see 2 different plastic surgeons who gave me 2 different answers with regards to a 2nd tummy tuck revision. The first one told me there was no more skin to work with, that was about 3 months ago, I then just recently (as in last week) went to see another one where he told me 2 different ways it could be done, but having said that I was also told that this is so common for WLS people to experience elasticity after plastic surgery moreso than the "normal" person who has lost weight.  So I am deciding whether I want to put myself through anymore surgery, right now I am kind of leaning towards no. It's not too bad and I think it's more my head playing those "old insecure days"   I am still thankfully on track with my program and feel great.  I just celebrated my 53rd birthday yesterday (the 23rd) where yet again, since my surgery, I didn't eat any birthday cake.  I was debating on maybe putting a candle in a protein bar but decided against it!!!! I am so thankful that I still haven't eaten cake or any of the "bad foods" as mentioned in my April post, since December, 2005.  Life is wonderful and I owe it all to the surgery, the support and most of all my determination to stay healthy.  My support group is still going strong, it's very small but that's ok, we are able to share and feel comfortable with each other.

Well that's about all for now and I wish everyone out there who has an upcoming surgery to stick with the program and promise yourself to NEVER EVER go back.



About Me
Solon, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2 nights before my surgery
This was taken July 20th 2007 weighing 119lb

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