What's Been Going On...

Mar 08, 2009

Weight 188

I can't believe I haven't updated here for so long. 

Recently, I have gained about 10 pounds, give or take depending which day it is.  I can attribute this gain to not walking due to the weather and also to the fact that I'm eating as if I'm still walking. I had worked my way up to 7 miles a day and man do I miss it!  I continue to work out at Curves at least 4 times a week which has really helped with the extra skin.

I was featured in Healthy and Fit Magazine as a success story.  That was interesting.


I can also attribute the extra weight to stress eating.  For quite a while now, Tim and I have been separated.  Many people automatically assume that we have gone our separate ways because of the extreme weight loss.  We have been working on this relationship for the last 3 years and decided that it just wasn't working.   There are other factors at work here that I"m not comforable discussing here.  In the midst of all of this turmoil, he was laid off and we were without benefits and his income.  We were not able to file paperwork because we didn't have the money.  Add to this whole thing the fact that 2 days before he lost his job, I was faced with a health crisis.  I'm fine now but was worried with not having insurance.  So, despite the fact that my normal response to stress had been to shut down and not eat, I changed things up and started eating everything in sight.  This entire ordeal had me in a panic about my weight and what I was eating, but I was powerless over controlling it. 

This brings me to the fact that I've been thrown into the dating world.  What an intersting experience after having been in a relationship for 21 years (married 19).  I met a great guy that is thinking about having WLS himself.  His brother had the surgery and was one of the unlucky ones whose body didn't stop losing so the guy is worried that will happen to him. 

The guy and I get along great and I can say that it's because we "get" each other since both of us have been overweight our entire lives.  I do have issues with the fact that he has food issues and I can't control mine and don't want to add his to mine.  We have talked about it extensively.

Anyway, I'm working on making things right in my life.  Tim has been more than fair with all that he is giving me.  He is taking care of the girls and me and we remain amicable.  I never dreamed my life would change so much in such a short period of time.  


About Me
Lansing, MI
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

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A Few Things
Goal, Finally!
Mom' Surgery
Take a Walk With Me
Skin Issues
