Long Time, No See

Aug 16, 2013

Hi Everyone,

It has been a long time since I have been on this site. I guess I have been kind of in a funk about my weight loss and trying to find support groups is like pulling teeth with pliers!

Anywho, I am currently five years out on my surgery and I have to admit that I have not done great at all. I started out at 380 pounds and my lowest weight lost was at 260 lbs. I have gained 40 pounds of that back, which makes me at a whooping 300 pounds. At this point, my Endocrinologist is suggesting that I take the additional weight off with having the "Sleeve" procedure. Anyone have any comments about this? If so, I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.

Also, I would like to know of any great products for protein, iron, calcium, ect. that I can afford! These vitamins are beginning to cost as much as my regular medicines! What in the world! I have to admit that I have no energy, I am costly tired and sleepy, and extremely cold. I know that I have to do something, but right now, this is my confession post!

I confess that I have a strong love for chocolate, and chips, potatoes in general! I confess that I am not a person to exercise at all. I confess that I am totally insane for thinking that I will have a different result when I continuously do things the same way all the time.

If there is a real support in the Raleigh area, that is active and is serious about supporting post-op patients, please let me know. I am going to make it my business to come to this site often just to get some support of start my own support group. angry


Take care everyone, 



Aug 11, 2011

Today I look back on when I had my surgery, and where I am now. I am very grateful, however I am not near my goal. I had surgery on 6-9-2008. I went in weighing 370 pounds, my highest weight was 480. Now I am at a stand still. I am looking for a support group in the Raleigh area. Anyone have any suggestions. I seem to be stuck at this 280 mark. I am getting frustrated. Looking for friends in the Raleigh area for support.

Moving Slowly

Jan 22, 2010

I haven't post anything in a while. I made it through the Holidays. I am still looking for a group that meets in the Raleigh area. Any suggestions? If any of you have a facebook page, please leave me a message and maybe we can get together there.

I am at 257 right now. So I lost 30 pounds, but I am still looking for walking partners, workout partners, hangout buddies, something.

No Energy! Help.......................

Sep 04, 2009

At a stand still. My energy level is down and I can't seem to get motivated anymore. Today I cleaned my daughters bedroom from top to bottom. After that, I am drained and cold. I have lost 11 pounds and have 89 more to go. It seems that I don't have the energy to do anything. I am still looking for a support group in the Raleigh area that actually meets! I need all of your support. I started out at 380 and down to 287 right now. I want to reach my goal to see less than 200 pounds.
1 comment

One year out

Jul 10, 2009

It has been a long time since I have logged  into OH.  I wanted to check in and say that after one year, I am 103 pounds lighter. I am looking for more friends and more support. It seems that I am at a stand still with the weight I am at now. I welcome friends from all over. I really need advice and encouraging words.

Please feel free to leave me a message or email me at [email protected] If there are any support groups in the Raleigh area that is currently meeting, please email me. 

My weight started at 380 lbs and I am down to 277 lbs. I have 78 more to lose before I reach my goal.

About Me
Raleigh, NC
Nov 11, 2002
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