July 26, 2008

Jul 26, 2008

OMG just got on the scale and I am at 73 lbs down today.  I am shocked!  it's so awesome!!!

I haven't been on lately and I apologize to anyone who has been looking for me.  I'm so tired any more at night.  My daughter started working with me about 6 weeks ago and her hours are earlier in the day; since work is about 1/2 hour away I changed my hours to drive in with her; the shift in hours is making me go to bed earlier and I am just plain exhausted at night!!!!

I hope everyone is well.
Take care
I promise to get it back together to get on more !

July 4, 2008

Jul 04, 2008

4 months out....63 lbs down.
I'm happy.  If I could get my butt exercising, I could have lost more.....I have been feeling pretty good about myself though.  I went clothes shopping and went from a size 32 down to a 22/24 - it's an amazing feeling to be in a size you haven't seen for about 12 years!

I recently visited a friends site here and she used the words "blending in" with everyone else, I have to say that's exactly the way I feel at this point too.  I no longer feel like I have to cover myself up with my arms in front of me.  I don't feel self conscience about myself either anymore, so that's an awesome thing!

Well I hope everyone is having a great 4th of July weekend.

Take care

June 4, 2008

Jun 04, 2008

I have lost 55 lbs to date.  I went for my 3 month check up last week and the doctor said I am doing well on my diet.  The only thing I was told about was the fact that I am not exercising.  It's so hard to remember to do something as the moment I get in the door at night I have too many people asking me questions or telling me stories.  Next thing I know it's time for bed.  I will get there.

There are still days when I am feeling very fatigued.  The doctor said it's because I am dehydrated and I need to ramp up my water intake.  I try so hard to drink all the time but I guess I just don't do it.  I don't understand how before surgery I could drink 2 glasses of fluid a day and now I am drinking 50oz of fluids a day and I am still not getting enough.  Where is it going?  What is it doing?

Anyway, that's about all unless you want to hear about how my teenagers are driving me absolutely out of my mind.  Talk about stress!!!

Take care all!

May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008

I can't believe it - I finally hit the 50 mark.....50 lbs....YAYYYYYY....I'm so happy!

April 22, 2008

Apr 22, 2008

Scale said 275 lbs......40 lbs down...YAY!!!!!!!!!!

April 18, 2008

Apr 18, 2008

As of last night, I have lost 36 pounds and that was after I ate dinner.  I am feeling so much better.

About 2 weeks ago, I started to gain weight RAPIDLY.  I went to the doctor and he noticed that my legs were swelling.  So he put me back on water pills and it took all the weight off and the swelling down.  Thank goodness!

I am just moving along here.  So far I have gotten sick on pepper steak and the other night I had nachos and cheese and maybe the cheese was too spicy, but I got sick to my stomach over it.  I still have a little weird feeling in my stomach if I eat french fries.  I think it has something to do with the grease.

I was worried that I haven't been losing weight fast enough but a friend of mine who had the surgery told me it's like 3 to 4 pounds a week.  So I am good with that.

Okay - well that's it for today.  Have a great day and a great weekend!



Mar 09, 2008

Well I am 22 lbs down and I am officially under 300 lbs - first time in probably 5 years.  I am thrilled.

Yesterday we had a party for my son (17th b'day) and I put on my old jeans that I have been saving.  They are atleast 4 years old.  Joy!  Today I was able to put on a sweatshirt that my son bought me when he played hockey and was in a tournament up in Lake Placid.  I was able to put it on but it was sooo tight - now it fits nice.   I can't tell you how this feels but I am sure many of you know the feeling!

I went to docs, I can start eating in Phase I starting on Saturday.  
I am going back to work this Thursday - I can't stand being home anymore - I"m going crazy.

That's about it for now.
Thank you for listening

2-28-08 Tomorrow I start a new life

Feb 28, 2008

Tomorrow is my surgery.  I am so nervous about it.  So many thoughts running through my head I don't even know what to do.  Hopefully the Lord is looking down at me tomorrow in that operating room and gives the docs a steady hand!  I can't wait to start my life over again.  This time I am doing it right.

Feb 12, 2008

Feb 12, 2008

Couldn't have my surgery on February 8th as I had a sore throat and a slight cough.  Dr G (Anaest.) said that if he had to tube me and I had an infection in my throat, it would be possible that my infection would be pushed into my stomach and could cause way too many more problems.  So now my surgery is scheduled for Feb. 29th.  Let's keep our fingers crossed!  

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Jan 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 9
July 26, 2008
July 4, 2008
June 4, 2008
May 21, 2008
April 22, 2008
April 18, 2008
2-28-08 Tomorrow I start a new life
Feb 12, 2008
