How did I get to this point?

Nov 15, 2011

How did I get to this point?

It was different for me!  I have thought of WLS for 7 or 8 years and just kept telling myself to get with the program and lose weight.  Stick with a diet!  You are weak I would tell myself!!  I grew up skinny. I was a cheerleader and studied ballet.  NEVER did I think weight would be an issue for me.  Not sure why I thought that, my father dealt with weight his entire life.  He would say some people eat to live and I live to eat. He loved food, loved to cook and loved to share with us as children all the gourmet items he made.  My brother is heavy but very active and keeps it under control. My sister is about 80lbs overweight.  Why did I think I would not have the problem?

I asked my physician one day why he never scolded me about gaining weight every time I came in and he said "You know what you weigh. You know what you need to do.  When you are ready to get serious, we will talk".  WOW   So that is where the talk started.  I had been feeling crappy for about a year.  When we would have a blood drive at work I would always donate but for the last year I had been declined.  My doctor ran a few tests and said I was losing blood and very anemic.  He scheduled me for a colonoscopy and EDG the next week.  What those results found were bleeding ulcers, a hiatal hernia and the beginning of serious esophogus erosion.  He took me off my low dose aspirin and doubled me up on Nexium and had me start taking iron twice a day.  I returned in two weeks for a recheck.

When I went for my recheck I asked him about if I would be a candidate for WLS.  He said he thought it would be a good option for me and would possibly add 20 years to my life.  ADD 20 YEARS???  I'M 58 AND I DON'T HAVE 20 YEARS LEFT??? HOLY SHIT!!  He gave me the name of a surgeon that he believed to have the safest statistics and the best results.  I made the call that day.

Here I am now, one week post op.  I don't know if this blog is private or public.  If anyone else can read it and it helps them in their journey then hooray.  But the blog is written for me.  To journal my thoughts and experiences. 

November 15, 2011

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Surgery Date
Nov 11, 2011
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