June 25 2003

Jun 24, 2003

Life is truly grand!! Down 125 pounds, in size 8/10 pants, and small/med tops!! Whoever would have thought this could be done! The next thing is a TT 7/7/03. I have never felt so good and been so healthy. This has truly been a blessing and a prayer answered.Thank you, GOD.

April 4 2003

Apr 03, 2003

100 pounds off and what a new life!!! I'm even in size 10 stretch jeans, but oh well they are 10's. Right! I am so thankful I found this tool to help me get a healthy and longer life back. Be seeing less of me, later. BETH

February 24 2003

Feb 23, 2003

GEES,where does the time gooooo???? Boy have things changed!! I'm 95 pounds lighter wearing a size large to extra large top, size medium stretch jeans and feeling sooo good. WLS has become so popular that our local TV station did some interviews with some of us. The first one was 2 people at the station for about 5 minuets, second one was at our meeting and they interviewd 3 of us. That wasn't good enough so they did a more indepth interview with 4 of us at our homes..this featured one of us each day of the week for about 7 - 10 minuets on the 6 and 10 O'clock news. It was pretty interesting to say the least. Well' just wanted to up date my profile and let all of you know there are Carrie Wilson's and Al Roker's in the great state of Nebraska. Later, my friends, BETH

December 26 2002

Dec 25, 2002

Well,I survived the Christmas food!! I am doing gerat and after 6 months out feel better than I have in years! Boy have my pictures changed, check them out! After 80 pounds life is great... later my WLS friends

November 18 2002

Nov 17, 2002

HAPPY DANCING!!!! A proud 196!
Even after having a "tiny" set back in Oct. I'm back on a roll.OctIwent for a fill of .2 which made a total of 2.2cc's wich I thought I drop pounds like crazy...sadly Nov.4th when I went I had only lost 2 pounds and could eat a whole home made soft shell taco. I had been having some pain under my left breast off and on so the Dr. x-rayed me and sure enough the tube had came apart and broke the tiny metal "thing" and that was what was cuausing the pain. He replaced the broken part,put 2.2 cc's back in and in 3 hours I was out of the hospital with only 2 incisions one with 2 staples and one with 9,this onewas through the big one from the first surgery so now this looks great. Later my WLS friends, Beth

September 17 2002

Sep 16, 2002

WELL, I SPOKE TO SOON! I had my second cc 9/9.And have sometimes had the REALLY full feeling but was smart enough to stop eating. Then the 17th I fixed hot dogs for my husband and I for lunch.WRONG thing to eat! I hadn't had any since my first fill...and I LOVE them(beef ones. To make a short story of this, I took a small first bite, the phone rang, I answered and at the same time tried to chew it and it got STUCK!!!! That was a 1 p.m., at 4:30 I called Scottsbluff and talked to Dot(nurse). She told me nothing to eat or drink till 9 p.m.(daaah) them only clear liquids. She called me back at least 3 times checking on DUMB old me. She said if I hadn't passed into my stomach I better come up in the a.m. so the Dr. can take out some saline so it will pass. That's 3-4 hour away. I thought this was going to be a long painfull night so I took a shower and let the hot water run on my tummy. That seemed to feel somewhat better! yeah!! I was in bed by 10:30 ( that's about 3-4 hours before my bedtime) thinking maybe if I went to sleep the _ _ _ _ dog would pass! After all it was one tiny bite. My alarm went off at 4 a.m. I turned it off and slept till Dot called to check on me... What a night! I won't be bragging any more... Later my friends.

September 16 2002

Sep 15, 2002

Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I have updated so here goes....I am doing GREAT! I love my band! I have never been sick and on only on 3 ocassions have I had that pain in my chest from NOT chewing enough. I learn quick. I have lost over 40 pounds, it's not as fast loosing as the bypass but I'm very pleased. I haven't taken any high blood pressure, diabetic meds sinch 6/24. My back is improving all the time. I took my daughter and 2 "grandbabies" to Six Flags in Denver last weekend and even rode the rides!!!Three months ago I could not have done that. Well, later all my friends.

June 18 2002

Jun 17, 2002

Had my chest X-ray, ekg, and lab work done here. My chest X-ray showed that my heart had enlarged somewhat the last two years... due to good old phen phen. My husband (Doug) and I went up to Scottsbluff Sunday evening on the 23ed because we are 3-4 hours from there and I had to be at the hospital at 7a.m.to see the dietitian and the nice man who puts me to sleep. Okey did that then went to the Dr.s office to have that "wonderful" tube ran down my nose to check out my throat etc. We then went back to our wonderful motel. The Candle Lite Inn, front door parking, microwave, fridg, tv/vcr, queen bed, and they have a huge free breakfast for those who can eat, wasn't me! Doug took me for my "last supper", Whisky Creek was next door. WOW, that was grest! The last time I ate a whole meal. We rode around the town for awhile then went back and had my "flush cocktail",was sure glad I was close to the bathroom!!!!! SURGERY DAY JUNE 25th. Had to be at the hospital at 6a.m. with NO jewelry, NO make-up, freshly washed hair with NO hair spray and NOT any lotions on my body. I felt NOT ready to go anwhere because I don't leave home without any of the mentioned necessities on! Surgery was a breeze! Although I had a hard time waking up, blood pressure and pulse was very, very low. BUT the first thing I did was, yes you guessed it. Jewelry, make-up,curled my hair and sleep all the rest of the day...now, why did all that fixing up to myself just to sleep. Well, that's just me. Doug cane up the next day and I did my swallow test and they sent me packing. Although I didn't have anything for pain after surgery they insisted that I take 1/2 a pain pill for the road. I slept all the way home. Had nothing for pain since.
Went back to get my staples our the next week and as of today have lost 34 pounds. It was 8 weeks the 20th. I will take another picture and measure on the 25th.

May 17 2002

May 16, 2002

I saw Dr. Hollaway May 17th. I got a surgery date of June 25th. Generally you have to wait till insurance approves but I had Medicare and they have had enough Medicare people that they know they pay so all I do now is pre-op and wait!!! WOW!

April 4 2002

Apr 03, 2002

I saw a commerical about WLS and made an appointment that day to see my Dr. She thought I would make a very good candidate so she ask me if I'd rather go to Omaha or Scottsbluff NE. I thought a second and said I'd feel more comfortable in Omaha. She called and I could get into see the Dr., get this..6/12/2003! I could be dead by then so she called Scottsbluff.

About Me
North Platte, NE
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
At least I can still smile!
And they said.

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October 16 2003
July 7 2003
