Dragging my #@$

Jan 04, 2010

Okay so I am just goofy off now I am actually the same damn weight I was in October not to say that I havent dropped weight and put it back on. Just two days before Christmas I was 268 now this morning I am 272 and was actually 276 one day last week. Even though that wasnt my recorded weight at the doctors office it was just another example of me goofy off doing well then screwing up eating junk. I am of course not complaining cause I havent been consistant. I will start off eating right and by days end I have had  way too many carbs. I am happy to say I have put my butt back in motion I got a wii and wii fit for Christmas and I have started using it I also rode my exercise bike for 20 minutes tonight. I am scheduled to see the Doc Monday it may possibly be my 4th fill we will see she acted like she didnt want to give me one in December just because I had lost 5lbs from November.  I mean give me a break thats nothing. If the goal of the band is to only eat a cup of food and be full for 3-4 hours then I havent reached that goal yet. i mean I can eat an entire bowl of salad with protein and still have room for more.
2010 Goals is to number one be consistant !!!  That way come August I will have no regrets!!

2nd fill

Nov 03, 2009

okay had my 2nd fill and according to the md office I only lost 1lb which is okay i guess cause I had on jeans and I know that I am losing inches the jeans are falling off. I actually started with the synthroid they reccomeded back in April but my Primary MD didnt think it was a good ideal well I did especially after packing on 4lbs just over night I am so tired of that story. The funny thing is now that I have started taking it I am starving and I know its not in my mind I am going to have to work it all out cause its pretty bad right now. I still have bootcamp and I am happy and encouraged about that. 
well i now know what its like to be too tight  I went out in the lobby and took a sip of water and OMG I thought someone was smoothering me I couldnt swallow and thought I was chocking, anyway they quickly fixed that problem. 
OOh well wish me better luck this month I am hoping to make some real progress besides I am tired of people I havent seen who know i had surgery saying ooh I know you have lost a lot of weight how much have you lost and here I am trying to explain well 20lbs and a few of my friends mentioned I could have lost double that by just doing WW or Lindora. So I guess I really am not okay with it all.


Oct 27, 2009

8 weeks post-op I am down 20lbs from they day I returned home from surgery 275.6. I have started bootcmp and I am happy about that. I have begun using muscles I havent used in many many years. I havent lost as much weight as I thought I would have but the best thing is I have lost weight. I havent been as strict with everything I have been eating but I have noticed I dont and cant eat as much. Well my new moto "winners never quit" and since I  am a winner I will keep pressing on.

I am official

Aug 29, 2009

I had my surgery 8/27/09 it went well had some issues with pain medication and itching but all went well. I am here resting and having a lot of discomfort in my left shoulder, neck area but heard thats normal trapped gas. I am moving around but actually get tired rather fast. I am tired of isopure and broth but ooh well what am I to do. The doctor was nice and suggested freezing the isopure which has made it alot better she doesnt like jello so no jello for me and i even premade some.
I was dehydrated the day of surgery as the mag citrate really cleaned me out so i got a ton of fludis and didnt really go to the bathroom I was down 3 pounds from consent day and up 5lbs once i got home its coming off now its all water weight anyway.
 Well I am excited and looking forward to healing so that i can really start working the band.


Tomorrow 8/27/09

Aug 26, 2009

Yep its finally here tomorrow is the big day I am scheduled for 7:30 AM I have to say that right now i am starving. I know its mainly my mind and I have to say that i am about sick of running to the bathroom that Mag citrate sucks. Anyway i am so excited about joining the losers bench. well I dont have much energy right now so its time to go.

The days just keep going by

Aug 18, 2009

I am 9 days away before the big day. I am excited not at all nervous at least not at this time. I have been on again off again with my eating and that is probably because i have decided that the day I get banded is they day. That's my rebirth so to say. I plan on sticking with a lindora type program once I am able to eat and that's no matter what even if i feel like I am starving to death or in bandster hell I have to do this. I have lost tons of weight with Lindora I have just been unsuccessful in keeping it off so now I am more than confident that it will be much easier to stick with the program, get all the weight off and keep it off.
I had my pre-op with my Primary MD yesterday sort of felt like he was pushing RNY in a way but ooh well I have done my homework and have my reasons for not wanting RNY so I am happy with my decision.   

Been approved

Jul 15, 2009

I am so happy my papers were turned in excately 7 days ago and I have been approved for surgery the date is scheduled for August 27th yippie I am so so happy right now.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2009
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