First Day at The Gym!!

Oct 27, 2007

Well I did my first day at the gym! MAN ARE MY LEGS HURTING!!! Well I'm did do 3/4 of a mile today (yeah I know I pushed myself just a little to far) I walked half a mile and then rode a bike for a quarter mile ( and you can tell that those were for skinnier ppl cause my butt hurts so badly from the seat) I also tried to do the cardio class but my back started to hurt (I don't know if I said it before but my L-5 vertabrae is fractured in two spots and the disk right underneath is not there it disinegrated) so I stopped after being in it for about 20 minutes......that's why I do so much on the treadmills and on the bike. I'm going back monday and I'm going to stick with it cause I only have 9 more days till surgery not including today!!! I'm starting to gt nervous now..... Till next time everyone


Oct 26, 2007

I just regeistered at Lifestyles with a workout buddy! I'm so excited!! (I can't believe I'm saying this!!) I'm excited about working out!!! I'm so ready for this surgery!! I'm going to look so good and I'm going to feel so healthy!! Right now I plan on working out everydayand then seee hoe much I actually how up


About Me
Panama City, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 12
It's been a long time!!
Since surgery
Thanks for the support!!
I am so tired of everything!!!
Finally getting over what happen!!
I forgot to put this in yesterday.
Finally got this ticker thingy to work
