Happy New Birthday To Me!!!

Mar 05, 2011

 One year out and loving my new physical and mental perspective on life. No. Everything is not perfect. WLS is not a cure all. There are still life's struggles and I take them on full throttle with confidence I never thought I would have. Thank God for this  blessing!

Checking in

Sep 04, 2010

This is a wonderful life. I wish I had done this years ago but I am so glad God gave me the strength, courage, and confidence to go forward. Having surgery has afforded me the freedom to begin living the life I've always wanted. I cannot say enough about God's goodness and mercy. I've not had any problems with my food or water intake, my vitamin levels are right where they should be although I am a little anemic, but I have always been. It's been six months now, my surgery was on 03/05/2010, and I am almost to goal. I'm not rushing and I do some form of exercise everyday. Swimming is what I love the most. This was the best decision I've made in a very long time. Be encouraged!!!!

I'm so glad that Jesus lifted me!!!

Apr 17, 2010

  OMGoodness OH. I am so happy that I am on the losing side. My clothes are getting way too big and I am able to reach back into my closet and get some of the clothes that I never thought I'd fit into again. My husband is so supportive now. 
We are on the right track and I know that I will spend the rest of my life with him. He told me after surgery that he was so afraid that something would go wrong and I would not make it. He isn't one to show his emotions easily so that was very important, and difficult for him to say. He is getting excited about my changing body. Everyone is so supportive...my mom, children, brother, sister in law and friends. I am so blessed. I follow the protocol almost to the letter...almost. I was at a Sierra Leonean wedding last week and had some casava leaves and about a tsp of coucous. It was delicious. Other than that I've been extremely serious about foods I eat and I've had absolutely no dumping thank God. This is the best decision that I've made in a long time. I am so glad that Jesus lifted me. Thumbs up OH family !


2 days after surgery

Mar 08, 2010

 I am so excited that surgery is over. I had RNY on Friday 03/05/2010 and am just overjoyed. I've had messages from some new friends that are having their procedure around the same time. I hope and pray that your experience was as non eventful as mines was. It seemed like everything went so fast once I got into the prep room. They told my husband he could come in and wait. We met the anesthesiologist who was also from Africa, my husband is from Sierra Leone, and he was so nice and professional. Once I was in the operating room I remember being asked just a few questions and then I was out like a light because the next thing I remember was waking up in my room. This is when I had the most pain. I remember moaning which even surprised myself. After that I must have dozed off again because when I awoke again it was around 6pm. The surgery was at 11:30am. My husband and daughter were there and I loved seeing their faces and hearing their voices. I love my family. My husband was so caring. He usually is not one for showing emotions. My kids were great throughout. My mother and daughter came back to visit me on Saturday . I was given the okay to go home at around 9:30am on Sunday. I've felt wonderful and haven't had any pain except for some gas pockets and a minor headache. Keep me in your prayers as I will do for you!!!!

Surgery date scheduled

Feb 11, 2010

 The Lord is good all of the time. I think everything happens for a reason, and in due season. After  waiting for what seemed like soooooo long I finally got my date. I am so very excited. I know that the surgery and recovery will be no walk in the park but I feel like a I spiritually, mentally and physically ready. God is good!

Still waiting. SMH

Nov 21, 2009

OMGoodness. Let's go already. I finished all of my lab work except I have to have an echocardiogram because I took Phen Fen back in the day. That test is scheduled for 12/21. It was the next available appointment unfortunately. I really wanted to get my date scheduled before Christmas. I believe it will take place in January but I don't have a date. I am so ready. Mentally and physically. Pray that I have patience. OK  fam. Will check in later.

Waiting Game

Nov 11, 2009

OMG. I am so ready to go. I saw my surgeon last week who informed me that I will not have surgery until at least January. I've finished my requirements except the lab work and tests. I cannot wait. Two of the ladies I had class with have already had their proceedure. I'm really anxious and cannot wait. Seems like my date will never get here.

Almost surgery time.

Oct 03, 2009

OMGoodness. I finally got an appointment to see my surgeon. I should be getting a date for surgery soon after that. My appointment is on 10/29 and then I have a pre op seminar on 11/12. I cannot wait to get this WLS. I feel like God is letting me start again. It is such a blessing that all of this will only cost me the copay. Keep me in your prayers to God through Jesus Christ.

5 months down, 1 to go

Jun 12, 2009

 It takes lots of dedication and energy to complete the 6 month requirement of classes my insurance company requirement but the end of July I will be done. Hooray!!! I have lost between 13 and 15 pounds. My weight fluctuates sometimes. Believe me, its the hardest 13 pounds I've ever lost. I guess its true that it gets harder to loose when you're older. When I was in my 30's it was easier for me to loose weight. I'm 43 now and it has really been a challenge. I've learned that I definitely need wls to reach my weight loss goal. One person in my classes has already lost 30 pounds so she says she won't have surgery. I am still looking forward to it.

Some people in my life are not totally supportive. My husband does not want me to have surgery. He thinks that I'll get some kind of epiphany and suddenly loose the weight I want to loose on my own. That's so typical of someone who's never had an issue with weight. I politely informed him that I was not going to let anyone sway my opinion and for one of the few times in my life I'm doing this strictly for my benefit.  He doesn't say much about it anymore but he'll be there for me. He always is.


God is Love


Started 24 weeks of classes

Feb 28, 2009

OMGoodness. It seems like these classes will go on forever. I am not getting too much information in the bariatric seminars. They employees don't seem to be very informed and don't have answers to most questions. The required 24 week classes are fine though and really have me thinking of why I am an emotional eater. I think those classes are great because I know the surgery doesn't deal with the psychological part but 24 weeks seems long. I guess I am just anxious to have the surgery but patience is a virtue. I have lost a couple of pounds since I started the classes on 02/18/09 and I also met with a physician that specializes in weight loss who asked me a couple of key questions. He pulled up my history and in 5 years I've gained 27 pounds, approximately 5 pounds a year. He asked me how many calories I thought I'd over eaten each day in those 5 years. I guessed 1000. WRONG! The doctor told me if I had eliminated 55 pounds each day I would have not put on that 27 pounds in 5 years. I almost fell out of my seat. Of course I would not have lost weight but it would have been 27 pounds I wasn't carrying right now. That was really potent. I've really been making sure not to overstuff myself and not to take that last bite, sip, etc. I was drinking at least 64 0z of regular coke every day. I wish I'd had that information previously but here's to the future.

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