Suzanne Gottschalk

3 weeks out and feeling great!

Jun 28, 2011

It is hard to believe that 3 short weeks ago I was laying in the hospital after RNY. I have lost 23 pounds since surgery, 44 altogether, and I feel so stinkin' good! I am getting used to my C-PAP machine again. They took me off of it while I was in the hospital for fear it would cause a rupture. It seemed to take me forever to get used to it again. I think last night was the first night I wore it the entire time. I had a heck of an average too - 100% for over a month! Well that's been blown to shreds. LOL I'm competing with myself. Good times.

My job is a lot less stressful since I now have all of the paperwork down. I have energy to keep up with the patients and then some. I fit in my chair at my desk better. People at work have been commenting that they know I'm losing weight. I am so thankful that I am in a caring environment again at work. I really missed it the several months I floundered outside of substance abuse counseling. Even before that it wasn't good...lets say a good 18 month stint I was uncomfortable. For now, at least, I feel like I belong.

I messed up my dates on when to eat what and started trying eggs wayyy too early! They got stuck so bad I had chest pain. OW. Now I enjoy my yogurt and cottage cheese like crazy. Still so sick of protein drinks. I bought store brand stuff to shake it up - yuck! They literally make me gag and worry me if I will be able to get all of my protein in, because I haven't been lately. That's all I can think of! Ta ta :)

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About Me
Columbia, MO
Surgery Date
Jun 22, 2009
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