1 Year Status Post surgery

Sep 07, 2007

Here we are, 1 year and 4 months after surgery.  My life has changed so much........  I am finally no longer obese, with a BMI of 29.9!  I had my right knee replaced five weeks ago, and though it still hurts like the dickens, it doesn't swell up every day and keep me in bed when I'm not working.  I'm also back in school, taking classes towards my teaching certificate.  I'm going into my second semester with an A average.

  I feel so different about myself, I actually like myself now.  And my relationship with my husband has improved dramatically, too.  I have much more patience with everyone, not to mention self- confidence.

There are still days I go through the "what was I thinking" stage, but they only last for a few fleeting seconds after look at myself in a mirror, or try on a new pair of size 8 designer jeans!  The ONLY time I ever saw an 8 in my life was my shoe size or panty size.  LOLOLOL

I even splurged and got a tattoo for my birthday, back in April, a white dove in a red heart just over my heart, to symbolize my happiness and peace with my new body and soul.  I think the next one will be a guardian angel looking over my right shoulder.  I'm going to need her. 

My life is going to be a real roller coaster ride the next 46 years-climbing to new heights and exploring new depths- around every curve.  I have so much time to make up for.  I just hope I can be a good role model for my daughter, so she does not have to go through the hell that I did.  She is such a joy to be with, and we really bonded in the last year going through our personal trials together.  I sure wish I had that relationship with my mother.  I thank the Lord every day for giving her to me.

The First Thanksgiving

Nov 25, 2006

It went much better than I expected.  I discovered that I can sugar, so I have to be careful to count those calories and work them off.  Two things I learned: 1) I was content with a small (salad) plate, and 2) I can't eat protein alone first- at least turkey- by itself without getting nauseated.    All in all, it went better than expected, and I am no longer fearing   the upcoming Christmas festivities.  I had lots to be thankful for this year.

About Me
Chipley, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2006
Member Since

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1 Year Status Post surgery
The First Thanksgiving
