10 months post op =D

Oct 26, 2011

So I am now 10 months post op. I have lost 146 lbs so far =D I have been at almost and 8 week stall. Since starting school back in August, I have lost my routine =(.  I was a fortunate/unfortunate one. I had NO complications with surgery. Nothing bothered me. I could eat whatever the hell I wanted...Curse and a blessing at the same time. But lately my eating choices have been so poor things are starting to affect me. I guess before when I would  eat something that maybe wasn't surgeon reccommended it I didn't eat enough of it to make a difference...Boy No I am..an my body says NAY NAY! lol. I'm glad the surgery is doing what its suppose to do and allowing me to see that I don't need this shit in me bc it makes me sick. Carbs have ALWAYS been my enemy...still have a hard time giving them up. No ones fault but my own though. I'm glad that i can see these mistakes clearly. So I have vowed to make conscience eating choices, and no let my tool go to waste. I have come too far to go back now. It is time to fight for what I want. Dont get me wrong. I am blessed to have lost a backstreet boy, but I want to hit my goal =D

I really need to start updating on here a lot more.

Hugs and Cupcakes


Feb 04, 2011

It has been over 2 months since I have posted. I had my surgery on 1/31! Everything went great! Only thing I could say that wasn't so pleasant was the nausea followed by the dry heaving. The gas pains still shoot straight up my shoulder. I am very mobile and can get up and down and take care of myself. I am very greatful for that. I am so paranoid of stretching out my pouch. I am always thinking if I am eating too much.. I'm going to start keeping a food diary. Yesterday was the first day that i actually felt like I ate something

Feburary 4, 2011

4 oz Sugar free pudding
4 oz No sugar Added Apple Sauce
16 oz ( over the course of a couple hours) egg drop soup broth.
16 oz V8 fusion.

Feb 5, 2011

1C cream of potatoe soup ( through out the day)
4 0z sugar free pudding
16 0z of V8 fusion


Everything happens for a reason =D

Dec 08, 2010

So these past couple of days have been hectic and busy! Our good ole 97 pontiac grand am met its demise on monday. It was already on its last leg , but finally kicked the bucket. I have been preaching for months that we needed to break down and buy another car. My husband is the type of person that believes "if its not broken, then don't fix it."  Well him thinking that way had put us in a jam these past couple of days. lol.  So needless to say I now have a "newer" car. I decided on a 2008 Ford Fusion. Needless to say this is the nicest car I have ever owned. the plan was originally I had a friend who was going to sell her car at the turn of the year.  Well she decided she wanted to buy a car just a few days ago. Well she goes, purchased the car and traded it in for 700, when I was willing to give her payoff and above on it.  I understand that she needed to do what she needed to do for herself, but it still pissed me off. I think I was more stressed because it messed up my total plan, rather than being pissed. I think it worked out better in the end. I ended up getting a dependable reliable car. Other than the fact that I have a car payment now, and my insurance has raised slightly I couldn't be happier.

On another note, I think OH is a really really great site. I really have got to chat with so many wonderful people here. I finally feel like I found a place where it is devoted to people in my exact situation. I have found more people here that I have things in common with than I have in my own home town lol.  I'm just really glad I have the forums, chat rooms, and penpals they have definitely been most helpful. Lol I was telling one girl today because her doctor didn't give her a set amount of protein to have, and I was worried becaus I knew she wasn't getting enough lol...It was odd but I feel that these girls should live closer to me and we see eachother everyday lmao..

Well I must now go get ready for work and school.. I'm so glad this semester is almost over!

Hugs n Cupcakes


O to the H Family

Dec 04, 2010

So being back on OH and in the swing of things has really helped me out! In just a few short days I have made a few friends and started to build me a mini family/support system online. I am really honored to have these girls!

So...I have been testing some protein drinks lately.. I can't find any that I like..So far I have tried Muscle Milk, Advantege Carb control, and these protein shots in fruit punch..that was the worst..bleck I hope you guys are having better luck

Hugs N Cupcakes

1 comment

Wow, has it really been that long?

Dec 01, 2010

Wow! I haven't posted on here in OVER 2 years!  So much has happened!  In the personal life department. I was resuced from a HORRIBLE relationship and now have been in a WONDERFUL relationship for almost 3 years now!  He is my rock, my best friend, and totally secure with himself and our relationship. I went back to school and I am pursuing nursing.

Since my last post Dr. Sonnanstine left St. Luke Hospital, so I decided to go back to my original doctor Dr. Tompkins in Ashland Kentucky. I started ALL OVER AGAIN in October of 08.  I did the 6 months weight loss with my PCP, seen the specialist I needed, sleep studies, upper GI, dietician appointments etc... then I better myself and get a desent job and I lose my insurance! My job I got the insurance didn't cover weight loss surgery. Yeah! Yet another set back! So discouraged I pretty much set it aside and decided to try losing weight again on my own. yeah another epic fail. So in June of 09 my now husband proposes and we marry in September of 09. Open enrollment happens for his work, and guess what? His insurance covers weight loss surgery and I am now able to be a legal dpendent! So now i have insurance.  So i go back to my doctor and the only requirements for my new insurance is have a BMI over 40. Yeah that easy. They submitted to my insurance on October 15th and 0ctober 24th I was APPROVED!  I now have a surgery date of December 22, 2010.  It is actually happen and I almost can't believe it.

So that is my update for now, and I am going to try keep my OH updated!

Hugs and Cupcakes



wow...this is really happening

May 06, 2008

Well, I just had my last app with Dr. sonnanstine on 5/5 yesterday..and they submitted to my insurance when my physc approved and I GOT ACCEPTED, but I need on my file my upper GI results and my cardiac clearance and when they get those they are gonna set me up for a date!!! and omg I am soo excited and I have been since NOVEMBER of 2006 hoping to have this surgery done and I can't beleive it is finally here..I am soo nervous now! and I am soo happy at the same time..but wish my luck I am starting a partial pre-op diet just to shrink my liver ect and to see if I can get some more weight off b4 I go in...but that is all for now! 



wow I really need to keep this updated!

Feb 27, 2008

Ok I literally have not updated in a month =( I am dissappointed in myself.  I lost 6lbs this past month w/o trying so I guess that is kinda good. I was sick half the month so I guess that is what done it. I'm find that I'm having a hard time incorporating a diet into my scheduel. its so hard to eath healthy and eat convieniently at the same time. I am going to do better this month! I ordered the Michael Thurman 6 week Body Make Over, and I'm pretty hopeful for that =D.

I am starting back to beauty school, I took some time off because I was sick =/ so I have to go back today and see what I have to do to start back.  I'm also doing online classes at Black Stone University for Medical Billing and Coding =D just for a back up in case Hair Styling doesn't pay enough. 

Other than that that is all that is really going on, Dr. Sonnanstine's office keeps reschedueling me which is getting old. I was suppose to have an apt on the Feb 12th, then they schedueled it the 21st, and now I have to go on March 14th. So I hope they don't rescheduel me =/ 

Until Next Time =D


gotta get back on the waggon....

Jan 29, 2008

well it has been a little while since I have posted... I have had a hectic month...I got 2 new roommates for about 2 weeks..I have too big of a heart and that can sometimes be a bad thing...My fiance had a friend he grew up with and hadn't seen in 7 years..and all of a sudden one day shows up and him and his wife need a place to say..I have no problem in helping people but I went to high school with this "old friend" and I know his ways..I know how he is...I give the benefit of the doubt that people change...so him and his wife move in..well he hasn't changed a bit..hes still on drugs really bad..and has caused a lot of scenes that I shouldn't write about....well one night he drinks maybe 2 shots..of vodka that we told them wasn't allowed in the house..and acts out and starts banging his head against the wall and yelling at me..and my boyfriend told him that they had to get out..well..they move out and previously i had my prescription of adipex filled that my doctor prescribed me so i could lose weight for my medical weightloss and guess what?? there gone and there is nothing I can do about it....so i am pretty upset..so im just gonna have to work harder which that is ok...sooo in all i guess I am done just opening my home to strangers..not only that..they didn't pay for food the whole time they were here..they burned  2 holes in my new leather couch I got for xmas..and I'm just upset and I'm venting.. 

On another note, Dr. Sonnanstines office called ant they have to rescheduel my appointment..so I have to call and do that tomorrow..

I may be having surgery sooner than I thought!!

Jan 14, 2008

a little bit has happen since the last time I had posted. Kings Daughters Declined my application if you will because I had to quit my medical weight loss last month due to personal issues. I was so so so crushed, then i posted a bulletin on my OH Kentucky forum and  A LOT of ppl suggested Dr. Sonnanstine...well I called his office this morning  and the lady i spoke to was soo sweet and informitive, and told me they looked foward to seeing me and just to hang in there that they would help me as much as they could.  Something else I found out that they may not require 6 CONSECUTIVE months of medical weight loss that it could be over a period of 2 years. BUT shes not for sure..so she told me just to bring all my medical records over the past 2 years  and the insurance consultant will see what she could do..so I will be absolutely thrilled if I don't have to do anymore medical weight loss and if I do..that is ok too..I'm just really confident in this program...
On another note I kinda fell off the band wagon when it comes to my diet and exercise..=/ but I'm just gonna jump right back on!!  so I'm going to start again tomorrow!!  That is the only thing that is new with me until next time 



Jan 09, 2008

Well I have come to realize I am really out of shape..but I am going to get better...I did a mile yesterday on the tredmill and my BACK IS KILLING ME!! I think I need to get me some different shoes..I'm flat footed so I think the shock from walking and my weight is taking a toll on my back..but my trainer only wants me doing cardio for the first 8 weeks....so it will be a lot of walking..I'm going to try 2 miles next time..or walking for an hour... and do some smaller exercises at my house..

I cant go to the gym today becuase I started going back to the tanning bed yesterday and i BURNED SOO BAD! I honestly think I have blisters...it hurts to sleep and its all on my back, belly and legs..I feel like a kid again..haha..but hopefully it gets better by tomorrow... 

I did good on my diet yesterday! I passed up Arby's which is really hard! lol...I hate that my fiance' tests me.. And its hard for me to watch him eat the stuff I love..when I was able to eat a sandwich today and the rest of the day I can only eat fruit! It is sooo hard! OMG.but I just have to keep telling myself that it is going to be worth it in end, especially once I start seeing results...I guess I'm gonna go get an apple yay! Until next time!

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 15
wow...this is really happening
wow I really need to keep this updated!
gotta get back on the waggon....
I may be having surgery sooner than I thought!!
