"First Meal"

Aug 19, 2010

Wellll... today I hit my 2 week mark and was able to have my first "meal" so I chose light tuna with light mayo...I liked it and I was a little apprehensive but it went well...but it took me an hour to eat it and I was full by the time I got my 3ozs in...lol who would have thought FULL!!! Ok I almost wanted to stay liquid because I have some how mastered this one ...I do my liquid protein in 30 min and I can get 4-5 20oz bottles of water down a day....Now I am going to stay with tuna for 3 days to make sure I am sound that its ok and I can only eat one meal for two weeks, I mean that as I can have one solid meal a day for 2 weeks then I can move on to 2. this is the plan the NUT and the Dr have me on which seems to be working for me.
Other than that doing great...pain is a lot less but I have my moments.
I will check back in this weekend with my first weigh in ever since the Dr appt 5 days be for surgery so tune in this weekend for the surprise...I know its mine but I would love to share it with my wonderful friends.........

Feeling "good"

Aug 08, 2010

Well I am now post-op...I am feeling good. The first day was very sore and weird. I ended up getting the sleeve because I had too much scare tissue for the RNY.  I have been home one full day and the first day home was a little sickish...2 hour drive from the hospital did it. But I am excited about my new life.

Thursday is the big day

Aug 04, 2010

Ok so I have to say I am not scared at all at least not yet.....lol.....I will post again in a few days because I wont be home till Saturday, so to everyone who is getting a chance to chage their life congrats and I hope we meet up and share our journey with one another......till Sunday....bye

new to the group

Jul 21, 2010

Hi, I am Tammy
 I have a question...has any one else been afraid of what they will look like after   all the change they go through... I am excited about this process and I know it wont be a walk in the park, but this is my thought for the moment.
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2010
Member Since

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