Been Awhile

Sep 04, 2009

Sorry I have not been keeping up but Ive just been so busy enjoying the new me its incredible! Im loving life, so far Ive lost 66 pounds Im weighing in at 198 pds isent that crazy? Its only been since May 19th, my doc says I will probably lose about 40 more Im finding that hard to beleive cant even imagine getting any smaller, but looking forward to it. Im wearing a size 16 in jeans and a large in tops. Im so happy!  Anyway just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing Im going to take a new pic tonight and try to upload it. Looking forward to hearing from you guys. TTYL!


May 25, 2009

 Home, and doing well, Everything went great! The weight is starting to come off not certain what I weight will find out at post-op on the 4th of June  not wanting to push it with the scales. Thought I would just pop in and let everyone know.  Also, something is wrong with my MESSAGES not able to receive or send,  so If you have sent something recently Im not ignoring you just have not figured it out yet. Lots of love, Tammy

Just Three Days!!!!!!

May 16, 2009

Im almost there and I cant wait, not looking forward to the soreness, but at this point just want to get it over with. This time next week I will be home enjoying more of those yummy protein shakes NOT !!! Im kinda going through this wow, Im not going to be able to eat all my comfort foods thing. It really stinks, but Im ready for a change, I need a change! I can definitely see how people can transfer addictions easily in a situation like this. Thats a scary thought. Anyway at this point just trying to get all the last minute details taken care of  will be going on nothing but clear liquids tonight at midnight  Awwwww.... no more jello,and then on Mon. have to drink the icky stuff { magnesium citrate} 10 ounce bottle not looking forward to that. The Hosp. is a hundred miles away will be starting that early a.m. so that it can work its magic before hitting the road. Fun stuff ! Well just wanted to update. Hope everyone is doing well! TTYL Tammy


Apr 30, 2009

Everything as far as pre-op test came back good so for real Im a go! Yee....Hawwww........


Apr 27, 2009


Finally getting to the good stuff

Apr 26, 2009

 Pre-op tomorrow !!!!! Im so excited, what I weigh in at tomorrow I will have too maintain. He was not concerned about me losing any. Just wants me to maintain. I thought that kind of strange but, I guess. They also moved my surgery up a day so will be having it May 19th now, Have to check in at midnight on the 18th Im scaired but at the same time excited anyway, just wanted you all to know where Im at TTYL, Tammy


Apr 16, 2009

 Im so thankful I just got approved for my surgery today . I called my doc and they scheduled my pre-op for the 27th of April and my surgery for the 20th of May how blessed am I ? Yee Hawwwww!!!!!!! So Happy , but a little anxious at the same time . Cant wait though lovin life!

Officially Waiting for approval

Apr 07, 2009

I finally got too see my surgeon today !  I was supposed to have seen him on the 21st of March but.... another huge snow storm fixed that, anyway they sent off for insurance  approval today . I should be hearing back from them within the next seven days . It finally feels like Im getting somewhwere .  They did not seem to be concerned about a denial I guess Blue Cross BlueSheild of ND is putting everyone through right now.  I thought this was really cool , the doc. said he would be willing to do my sister and I together , the same day.  We both had apts. today they kept us in the same room for all the consults with everyone I thought that was really neat, originally we thought hers would take alot longer , she has different insurance provider, but that is not going to be the case. Its kinda nice to know she will be there going through the same thing. It just makes it easier for the both of us . I guess even though they suspect alot of scarring from previous surgerys he still thinks he can do mine laproscopically thank goodness! I was very glad to hear that. I do not want open. As it stands he told us probably somewhere around the end of May. Im so excited I cant wait !  Im exactly 103 pounds overweight I cannot imagine what it will feel like to have , hopefully the majority of that GONE! I think it will help with alot of my pain issues. The new clothes and feeling light on my feet again is just a bonus. All Be it a BIG ONE !


Miss Impatient LOL!

Mar 18, 2009

Its been a week since Ive posted it feels like time is just crawling . I have 11 more days until I see my surgeon it feels like forever LOL! However, Im thankful, it could always be alot worse. Im going to call tom. and see if they have sent off for approval . Im excited to know, Im still not sure if they will wait until after I have seen him, or what ,there info booklet says before, his nurse says after, but even at the information session he himself said before sooo.... Im not sure what is going on. I have started buying small size serv. dishes and different measuring things Ive got to look into getting a different food processor. EXCITING !  My new grandbaby is doing great. It has been a busy time [ A sweet one however,] I have the night off tonight LOL! Its nice....  Cant wait until my daughter is completely back on her toes . I really... cant wait too be able to feel like I can keep up with the both of them. I like that thought. Put some new pics up I look huge dressed up in my St. Pattys Day get up but it was fun  I like doing that stuff occasionally  when I seen the pic I thought to myself yikes !!!!  Its awful how you feel so good in something and then later on when you see pics its like wow! and I went out in that LOL!  Terrible, the kids loved it though I cant wait to compare it to next years FUN......! Any way got to go for now hope all is well with everyone. Somebody needs to drop me a line Im getting lonely  TTY all soon



Mar 11, 2009

I cant wait, just twenty more days before I see the surgeon. AND finally we are going to get some warm weather on sat. 40 degrees YAHOO!!!!!!  If you lived in North Dakota you would totally understand LOL!  I was looking through b/4 and after pics earlier I cant wait to be able to wear some decent sized clothing cute clothing. You know something that I dont feel like a bag of potatoes in LOL!  I want to shop at old navy or lands end and be able to look at more than three articles of clothing without getting totally exasperated and walking out the door. Better yet I want to feel like shopping LOL!  That makes a whole world of difference, anyway just sharing some thoughts kinda bored tonight . Sounds exciting though doesnt it? TTYL ! Tammy

About Me
Jamestown, ND
Surgery Date
Dec 24, 2008
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