9 months and 120 lbs later!

Aug 06, 2008

Hello Everyone! Well I hit my 9 months and I have lost 120lbs. My goal was to hit 165 and i'm at 158, not bad =)  My next goal is to get alittle bit more committed to that gym... that alarm will come early, but I'll have to muster up and get rockin on those weights.... It's weird, I still haven't been clothes shopping. I Have been shopping in my own closet and well.. Last time I weight this was when I left for Basic Training in 1995, haahaa... So I have ran out of clothes to shop from in my closet... Mentally it's weird to go shopping, I wasn't much of a clothes shopper before, i'm an island girl I like my flip flops t-shirts and jeans haahaa.. but I have ran out of jeans and shorts and my soccer shorts, luckly they got elastic or they would be falling off of me too, haahaa...

100 LBS Down

May 31, 2008

It's official! I have lost 100 lbs since surgery on Oct. 29,2007!!!!!! It's an exciting crazy feeling!!!!

Do you like Sweet Tea?

May 10, 2008

OKay.. I guess I have been in Texas to long, haahaa, but I have become an addict to tea, I guess that replaced sodas! I do like sweet tea, but I have not dared to drink it since having surgery! My best friend, Bonnie, found this awesome tea for me one day, we have only been able to find it at CVS, but it's called Gold Peak Iced Tea "Diet" yes it says DIET on there, and you drink it and you double take at the incredients, but it's sugar free and it does not taste like it at all... It's my new addiction and I thought I would share!!

About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 3
9 months and 120 lbs later!
100 LBS Down
Do you like Sweet Tea?
