A little over a month out and feeling great!

May 23, 2009

Just felt like writing an update since I've been experiencing so many positive changes these past few weeks! First, let me talk a little about food. I've only gotten sick once - and that was a mystery - not sure if it was from sugar alcohols in my protein sample or a delayed reaction from a sauce I had while eating out for lunch. Either way, it was about an hour of intense pain, went to the bathroom, and all was over. Didn't kill me but definitely won't go near either of the 2 potential culprits anytime soon! Otherwise, I've been doing pretty well with food. I'm amazed at how much different everything tastes! I've been fairly conservative about sticking to my guidelines, but I also haven't been afraid to try new things. So far I'm finding out that my love for chicken, beef, and pork is gone. I think it has to do with having to chew them 20-30 times before swallowing - now I can really taste it and I don't think I like it! The good news is that I have found new food loves that I didn't care for before. I absolutely love salmon! I've had it cooked multiple ways, and I especially love ordering it at restaurants. I also love veggies! Who knew? I never was a veggie eater before but now I love them in anything and everything. Had zucchini pancakes the other night - simply divine! So as far as food goes, I honestly don't feel like I'm missing much. I'm eating healthy and getting my tastes satisfied which is all I need!

Now about exercise - I can't say enough how happy and pleasantly surprised I am at how much I can and actually want to do activity wise! One of my goals before WLS was to be able to play softball again. I can happily say that I'm now playing on 2 teams and just loving it! I have also been going to the gym, doing water aerobics, playing golf, and am pretty much happy to walk anytime! I can't even believe how amazing this feels and how much of a different person I feel like!

As for weight loss, I can say that I'm not overjoyed with my rate, but not overly disappointed either. I must admit that I'm an instant satisfaction kind of gal so when the scale started to slow down during week 3, I was sad, but it's still moving slowly and steadily, so I can't complain too much. Besides, the ability and desire to do the activities I mentioned above more than satisfies my need for instant gratification! Plus I'm down 1 size, and very close to the second size which I haven't worn since I got married 7 years ago!

Nonetheless, I'm happy I had the surgery so far and just can't wait for the continued positive changes in my life!


Follow up at 2 weeks out

Apr 29, 2009

Well I was officially 2 weeks out yesterday. Today I started pureed foods and had a yucky breakfast, but an awesome lunch & dinner! I'm feeling better everyday as well. Started going to the gym on Monday. Started with 3/4 mile and tonight finished 2 miles...woo hoo! I feel so much better after I walk! The weight loss seems to be going okay as well. I've lost 23 lbs. since I came home from surgery and am starting to notice some extra room in my clothes. My bathroom issues seem to be doing better as well (thank goodness)! All in all I think I'm doing pretty well! I have my post-op appt. on Friday so we'll see how that goes.

Feeling pretty good after surgery

Apr 19, 2009

My RNY surgery was this past week on Tuesday and I feel pretty good. I'm still sore in the abdominal area, but otherwise I have been having great energy spikes! Getting in the required liquid & protein is a challenge, but I've been logging and planning and trying to stick to a schedule so that helps. Had my first loose BM last night - that wasn't fun. Started at 10:30pm before bed time and woke me up at 3am and then again at 6am. I hope that's not the norm - the cramping was kind of painful. Other than that, I haven't had any problems. I even ventured out yesterday to walk around the open air market for awhile. It felt great to walk around and be outside in this gorgeous weather. Anyway, will keep updating my blog on my progress. Thanks for the support and well wishes!

My surgery is 4/14!

Apr 04, 2009

Just had my dietician appointment yesterday - all was good. That was my last step in the entire process so they gave me my date. I was shocked when they came back with April 14th! That's only 10 days away! But I'm ready. I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and have been going 5 days/week minimum. I'm going to start a protein shake fast on Sunday so I can drop a few more pounds. I'm really excited! Anyway, I know I haven't been a frequent poster, but I'm looking forward to using this board as part of my support system.

Haven't been on in awhile - back on track

Feb 21, 2009

Well, I haven't been online in a few months. Life kind of got in the way while my husband and I moved our residence, found him a new job, etc. Now things have settled down and I'm back into the swing of things for my surgery. I attended my nutrition class last week. It was very informative. I have completed all of my tests, except I have to repeat my sleep study since I didn't sleep very much during the first one. So now I have my new sleep study on 2/27, my psych eval on 3/4, my 1 on 1 with the nutritionist on 3/13, and that's pretty much it. I have managed to stay completely smoke-free during the past 3 months as my very last cigarette was 11/9. Unfortunately I haven't been doing very well on the weight loss. I have been so focused on not smoking that I have been afraid to cut back on food. So I had actually gained 2 lbs. between my initial consultation in November and my nutrition class last week. But now I'm finally ready to give it a shot and have started to plan my meals and will be trying to stick to the program outlined during our nutrition class. I'm also going to use our Wii to start exercising. So hopefully I can make it work and will be on track for my surgery in April. That's pretty much the latest and greatest with me for now...

I have a tentative surgery date!

Nov 22, 2008

I met with Dr. Ali for my consultation yesterday. The consultation appt. was good, but it took about 3.5 hours! I was informed that I was a good candidate and I received my tentative surgery date of 4/21/09 which is exactly five months out. They did say depending on when I get my tests and 10% weight loss done, they could move the surgery earlier. I've already completed more than half of my tests, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my date will get moved up!

So next steps are my tests which include: sleep study, upper endoscopy, blood work, and venous duplex. Then I'll attend the nutrition class on 1/14 and after that they will schedule my psych eval and 1 on 1 w/ the nutritionist. I also have to start documenting everything I eat in preparation for the nutrition class.

Also - an update on my heart stuff - I met with the cardiologist on Thursday and my echo/stress were confirmed normal. He also discovered that the abnormal EKG was due to an error in the way the test was administered and I was given another EKG which came out normal...what a relief!

Also - I'm still a non-smoker! Just finished day 13 without any cigs! I found this "tool" in the mall called an electronic cigarette. It has flavor cartridges and looks like a cigarette only it produces non-carcinogenic vapor instead of smoke and the cartridges I got don't even contain nicotine. I don't need to use it all of the time, but it comes in handy when I socialize and want to simulate the act of smoking without smoking. It's the coolest thing ever!

Making progress...

Nov 17, 2008

Well, I had my echo-stress test today. This was in response to an abnormal EKG I had on 11/5. The tech said the prelim results looked normal. I also got my chest x-ray done today. Follow-up with the cardiologist will be 11/20, and my consultation with Dr. Ali is 11/21. I also got my upper GI scheduled for Jan 7th. Sleep apnea test is scheduled for 12/3. Hopefully besides the psych eval and nutritionist appointments, this will be all I need! I'm really keeping my fingers crossed to be able to have surgery in February at the latest. Also, today is my 8th day without smoking - woo hoo!

I am so excited - things are moving right along!

About Me
El Dorado Hills, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

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I have a tentative surgery date!
Making progress...
